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Modern war factions

I have a faction rec401 we have nearly all the bonuses. You don't have to donate money just concrete. 112898091. Come and see all our bonuses!!
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join my faction 757258866. i need every day players to help.me out.

I need help in my faction. I have no members so anyone is welcome as long as you contribute. My code is 757258866. I am strong for my level and getting stronger everyday. Please help me out and lets win this.
Powerful Faction - Needs a couple of great members

Hi we are looking to break the top 1000, last two events we were very close.
32 member faction with tons of bonuses. If you are willing to donate $ and fight .. then come join us !!
Faction Code 883 542 058
Hello everyone,

✋✋✋We have a small but strong faction with room for 14 new members✋✋✋✋
So there is a possibility for a fusion with another small faction
☎☎☎factionnumber 417.386.246☎☎☎
a top faction
I'm not sure if your clan is still running for Modern war but if so i'm keen to join. I know your probably going to ignore this and i understand why and i respect that. I'm level 27 (just started), i log in 4-5 times a day, 21 concrete, 1mil+, 135 allies, 5k def and 5k attack. I know my stats aren't amazing but i'm really active. I'll be honest though the main reason i want to join a good faction is to get faction bonuses and rewards from World Domination. I know that's a really tall order but i would really hope you consider. Thanks

Building Defense +20%
Guild Member Increase :+16

join 644 735 834
command& conquer
I'm not sure if your clan is still running for Modern war but if so i'm keen to join. I know your probably going to ignore this and i understand why and i respect that. I'm level 27 (just started), i log in 4-5 times a day, 21 concrete, 1mil+, 135 allies, 5k def and 5k attack. I know my stats aren't amazing but i'm really active. I'll be honest though the main reason i want to join a good faction is to get faction bonuses and rewards from World Domination. I know that's a really tall order but i would really hope you consider. Thanks

208 471 628 BOOTED 4 NO REASON faction!

1opening ! We should make TOP 1000 Shooting for TOP 500!
Daily donations expected NO MINIMUM! JUST BE ACTIVE !!!
Some AVATARS use
GOLD but it is not required or EXPECTED.
This is a new formed faction growing strong FAST! Must be at least 18 yrs. old. This is an adult forum.

Infantry Def +15% HEALTH +5
Building Def + 15% AIR DEF +5
Ground Defense +10% Guild+2

JOIN US for FUN and SERIOUS FIGHTING in WD ! This FACTION is 10 days old OLD and gettin STRONGER!
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Strong Faction- Needs Members- $8 billion in Upgrades

looking for active players to join our faction "Beer Drinkers Unite"

invite code 141 655 783

Bonuses bought so far

Health Regen - 22%
Infantry Attachk - 5%
Infantry Defense - 25%
Ground Defense - 25%
Air Dsefense - 20%
Sea Defense - 15%
Building Defense - 25%
Building Output - 5%
Guild Member increase - 12

Currently 600 plus concrete and $280,000,000 in our faction bank
Strong Faction Looking for New Members

887 933 393

Top 1000 in both wars and will likely be in the new top 500 break point.

Lots of bonuses:
Health Regen: 14%
Infantry Defense: 10%
Ground Defense: 15%
Air Defense: 5%
Sea Defense: 5%
Building Defense: 25%
Building Output: 5%
Guild Member Increase: +12

Bank: 416,000,000
Concrete: 585

Come join us and help us get stronger!
208 471 628 BOOTED 4 NO REASON

Room for 2 Avatars- just purchased GUILD INCREASE

Looking for att/def over 20 K Daily donation expected NO MINIMUM.... 18 yrs. of age or older PLEASE. GOLD NOT REQUIRED.

This FACTION is only 8 days old!! JOIN US!!

Health regen +5
Infantry Def +10
Ground Def +5
Building DEF +15
Guild member +2

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Now accepting!

852 230 110

We offer:
Health Regen +9%
Infantry Defence +15%
Ground Defence +5%
Building Defence +15%
Guild Member +8 (28)
Modern War 781 037 546
Faction Code: 558704945

Recruiting people to join modern war faction.
Name: Slow & Deadly

Buildings Defense: +5%
Infantry Defense: +5%
Guild Member Increase +2%
Join our faction Communist Killa.
Placed in top 1,000 and top 500!!! Very active players fight with gold and donating every day!!

Here's our stats

Health Regen 14%
Infantry Attack 5%
Infantry Defense 15%
Ground Defense 15%
Air Defense 10%
Sea Defense 10%
Building Defense 25%
Building Output 10% (10% more money guys!!!)
Guild Member Increase +16

Looking for team players to get into the top 250 this time!! We all play as a team together to knock out the other factions in battle!!!!

invite code again
208 471 628 Booted 4 NO REASON FACTION.. 1 space left before EGYPT!
Health 5%
Infantry +15%
ground 10%
Air def 5%
Building Def 15%
Guild +2
This FACTION is only 10 days old!!!! Officers come from a top 250 faction! JOIN US , please be at least 18yrs. old!
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