Looking for a faction or looking for a better faction?
We were ranked 363 in Brazil. We were in the to 250 for the first few day of Greenland, but ended up 356. Are points totals are way up for Egypt, but still not high enough to stay in the top 250. We were in the top 250 until Saturday, but we could not stay there. We are going to finish well in the top 500. We have a couple of players that are not very active, and one that can't seem to understand when the wars are going on. They are about to be replaced. We are looking for strong level 100+ active daily players so we can break that top 250 spot. We have a few light gold players and mostly nonspending players. No minimum requirements to donate, just some kind of donation on a daily bases. If you are not a level 100 player but have good attack/defense scores, we will take those also.
Rudedudes 655-452-543