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Modern war factions

[h=2]Dutch / Nederlands[/h]
Also looking for Dutch guys:

The Dutch marines are looking for Dutch players to strengten our mostly Dutch team:


Currently we have 26 guys and more than half is Dutch. Because coordinating goes better when everybody is in the same timezone we are looking for Dutch/Belgium people to strengthen our forces

+30% Building Defence
+6 Guildmember increase
+10% Health reagen
+15% Infantery Defence
+15% Ground Defence

Defence leader with 80k Defence

De Dutch marines Zoeken nog Nederlandstaligen om ons team te versterken in ons Nederlandse team. We hebben gemerkt dat het stukken beter werkt als we allemaal in dezelfde tijdszone zitten. Daarom zijn we op zoek naar Nederlander/Belgen die ons team willen komen versterken. We vragen alleen om bereidheid te doneren en te vechten.

Blijf niet zitten bij die Amerikanen :-) Kom naar ons en voel je thuis!


Looking for a faction or looking for a better faction?

We were ranked 363 in Brazil. We were in the to 250 for the first few day of Greenland, but ended up 356. Are points totals are way up for Egypt, but still not high enough to stay in the top 250. We were in the top 250 until Saturday, but we could not stay there. We are going to finish well in the top 500. We have a couple of players that are not very active, and one that can't seem to understand when the wars are going on. They are about to be replaced. We are looking for strong level 100+ active daily players so we can break that top 250 spot. We have a few light gold players and mostly nonspending players. No minimum requirements to donate, just some kind of donation on a daily bases. If you are not a level 100 player but have good attack/defense scores, we will take those also.
Rudedudes 655-452-543
208 471 628 BOOTED 4 NO REASON ......
Finished 787 in Egypt with a FACTION that was formed 13 days ago!!!!!!!
Join US!!

This was in 13 days! CHINA we are shooting for top 250, we will make TOP 500 !!!


[h=2]Tired of Missing Out on Top Rewards?[/h] Army of Darkness is recruiting three players. Two top 1000 and a top 500 finish in the last three battles. Plus we had lots of fun doing it. You don’t need to have crazy stats to join us as our requirements are only that you have more than 300 allies and that plan to be active during the battle.

If interested apply to faction 575 833 204

Current Bonuses are:

Health Regen: +14%
Infantry Defense: +20%
Ground Defense: +15%
Air Defense: +10%

Sea Defense: +5%
Building Defense: +20%
Guild Member Increase: + 10

+ Lots of cash and concrete in the bank!!!

[FONT=&quot]PM me if you have any questions.[/FONT]
Join SSS Faction, we are Australia based and co-ordinate our attacks on AEST Australian Eastern standard time.
we have players at all levels.
Stop mucking about with a faction with 2 or 3 members and join a squad that needs you!!! 544932994
Invite code : 544932994
iNsAnExOwNeDyOu is looking to max out ACTIVE members to try and top leader boards. If you are wanting to join just check the IDs below.
Faction ID: 142900374
Leaders ID: 649996020
Co-leaders ID: 796119293
need a few loyal members to seek top 500 mark. finished 338th, 500th, & 521. recently added guild so in need of 3 members.
we have the following bonuses already:
Health regen 18%
Inf Attk 5%
Inf Def 15%
Grd Def 10%
Air Def 5%
Sea Def 5%
Bldg Def 25%
Bldg Output 5%
Guild Inc +12
Member must have minimum 25Kattk/def
no gold required
war and forum participation is a must
1 mil in donation guideline

Invite Code 762 891 473
Navy Seals Faction. rank 2081 - super active group, we only require donations of 200k per day, our biggest deal is participate in war event, we are a relaxed group that works well and communicates. our win record is ridiculous and 19 wins 3 losses...not bad at all invite code is 731416523 if you are interested
Want To Join a Strong And Growing Faction?
Want Rewards After Every Event?
Join "Rivals" 152-809-851
Many Bonuses
Everyone Welcome

Health Regen +9%
Inf def +15%
Build defense +15%
Ground defense +10%
Air defense +5%
Few slots left
Join the Deadly Legion. 632763590

Seeking level 100 + players with attack and defense over 30 k

Health Regen +14
Infantry Attack +5
Infantry Defense +10
Ground Defense +10
Air Defense +10
Sea Defense +5
Building Defense + 20
Building Output +5
Guild Member +14
Just left a faction that was hampered by an inactive leader, never on to reset fortifications, so I have requested to join a couple of the factions mentioned on this forum. I'm active, on nearly every day, usually more than once, happy to donate. Attack/defense scores 21k+ and building
Uitsluitend NL spelers in onze faction. Al veel upgrades 25% def, 18% health, 10% cash en nog veel meer!
We hebben nu 32 leden en groeiende! Daarnaast is het ook nog eens retegezellig op ons eigen forum.
Sluit je aan bij onze faction 678949262 the Dutch republic
Mijn ID is 105381934

Grt Sjefke

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