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Monster pet shop

skankyxoxo said:
Looking for a tufted persnicket and a finned bumpkin, please. Thank you in advance. (:

Tufted persnicket sent. Sorry I couldn't get your shop otherwise I would have sent it before.
Hi, Folks !
My Name and Gamecenter ID is

I play Monsterpet Shop for quite a long time, even when I paused for a longer time.
A lot of my older Petshop friends do not make any Progress, so I think they obviously do not play anymore.
I am level 26 now.
Time to make some new contacts..

Cheers, Spitzetollmann
CharmedPotato said:
Just wondering, where are you guys from? which countries?

I am in England. You haven't said where you are from.

Sorry to Madcowmilk and Caesar.p. my bumpy egglet only gave 3 fuzzy eggs. If you would like a fuzzy please let me know.
CharmedPotato said:
Just wondering, where are you guys from? which countries?

I'm from Australia:)
@ Jonew: i sent caessar.p a bumpy egglet yesterday, so you can probably dismiss his request..
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CharmedPotato said:
Just wondering, where are you guys from? which countries?

Hey I am from Spain! Where are you from?? It is sooo cool, we are from all around the world. haven't had any friend from India before :)

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