iPF Noob
Whoa... So many people in the forum now....
I just recently play the game again, see the forum and only recognized some of you (hi Rus, Pete and Jo!).. I will gladly help if any of you need eggs or color food, although right now I only have a handful of you as my neighbor.... Most of my old neighbor is not playing this game anymore, and beeline should have some sort of feature that allows people to select their own neighbor since they limiting the number of neighbor anyway...
I suddenly have few requests of gold spotted Steve on my request list, which I'm pretty sure is not there last night. After I click on the request, it turns out to be another type of monster (slugabug, tricyclops)... Is there any of you experiencing the same? I think there's another bug that beeline has to fix...
That's all, nice to see all of you in this very helpful forum!
Hi hi!

add me on GC; I gift food and eggs whenever i can
i think you can "temporarily" choose your neighbours, by going onto the MPS home page > options > first tab (tree) and deselecting the ones you don't want to show up (otherwise you can unfriend them i guess?)
I had a couple of gold spotted steves with other requests, i think it'll be back to normal once you fulfill them
Also: does anyone here have a squiggly gloop egg to spare? thank you!