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Monster pet shop

Sorry to hear of all the problems. Hope they fix it soon. I haven't crashed since the latest update, but I do have 8 of 10 customer requests for skinny krakels. :rolleyes:

I had the same amount of request. I incubated 4 krakels & already had some in shop. Can't sell anything without the game crashing, can't make eggs, and now my krakels are ready to hatch & I have no where to put them bc I can't sell! So, good luck to you!! I haven't tried restoring from backup, but think I will later today once I get to work and can't actually play with it
Thanks to those who sent me krakels! I'll make sure to pass some eggs along to others in need once they mature.

So far my game's still working, but now I'm worried that once I try to sell these krakels everything's going to crash.
Thanks to those who sent me krakels! I'll make sure to pass some eggs along to others in need once they mature.

So far my game's still working, but now I'm worried that once I try to sell these krakels everything's going to crash.

Please keep us updated bc that's what happened to me :( game works fine until trying to sell or breed :(
I had the same amount of request. I incubated 4 krakels & already had some in shop. Can't sell anything without the game crashing, can't make eggs, and now my krakels are ready to hatch & I have no where to put them bc I can't sell! So, good luck to you!! I haven't tried restoring from backup, but think I will later today once I get to work and can't actually play with it

Well...I tried restoring from backup to before I updated & unfortunately, that didnt work :( It says file corrupted. So, I won't be playing until they send a new update. And I'm going to lose all my krakels I had incubating :(
Good Luck to everyone
can someone please send me a turquoise krakel and a chubby krakel please? Will return favor if I have any monsters you like! GC id-caritasbb :o
Just wanted to update y'all on how UNAWARE beeline is. I wrote to technical support last night about the issue with the newest update & this is the reply I got. & I have tried all of that & nothing worked. So I replied back and informed them of such & also that I've spoken with others that are having the same problems since the newest update.

Hello Erin,

Please ensure you are on the most recent version of your game and try turning the device off and on again.If this does not help please try re-syncing it with iTunes on your computer. Also please note that deleting the app from your device will remove all saved data.

To turn off your device, locate the hold/sleep button on top of the device, at its right side. This is a physical button, not an on-screen one. Press the hold button for a few seconds, until a slider appears at the top of the screen that says "slide to power off."

To turn the device off, move the slider from left to right. If you don't want to shut it down, tap the "cancel" button at the bottom of the screen.

To turn the device back on, just press the hold button until the screen lights up and the Apple logo appears. Then let the button go and the
device will boot up.

Thank you,

Beeline Interactive Support
Just wanted to update y'all on how UNAWARE beeline is. I wrote to technical support last night about the issue with the newest update & this is the reply I got. & I have tried all of that & nothing worked. So I replied back and informed them of such & also that I've spoken with others that are having the same problems since the newest update.

Hello Erin,

Please ensure you are on the most recent version of your game and try turning the device off and on again.If this does not help please try re-syncing it with iTunes on your computer. Also please note that deleting the app from your device will remove all saved data.

To turn off your device, locate the hold/sleep button on top of the device, at its right side. This is a physical button, not an on-screen one. Press the hold button for a few seconds, until a slider appears at the top of the screen that says "slide to power off."

To turn the device off, move the slider from left to right. If you don't want to shut it down, tap the "cancel" button at the bottom of the screen.

To turn the device back on, just press the hold button until the screen lights up and the Apple logo appears. Then let the button go and the
device will boot up.

Thank you,

Beeline Interactive Support

I got a very quick response to my last email & will b providing the information they need when I get home this evening. Here's their response:

Hello Erin,

You appear to be experiencing a game bug that requires further diagnosis and we’re unable to resolve your issue at this time. We would like more information so our development team may investigate. In the meantime, we ask that you do not uninstall your game.

If you are interested in proceeding, please send the following information:

Serial Number
OS Version currently used

To obtain these, please proceed along the following steps:
1) On your iPod or iPhone enter the 'Settings'
2) Next select 'General'
3) Now enter 'About'
4) for the currently used OS version, please provide the numbers next to 'Version'
5) for the serial number, please provide the numbers and letters next to 'Serial Number'

Crash Logs

To find your crash logs, please proceed along the following steps carefully:

1) plug your device into itunes and select it in itunes.
2) press the sync button.
3) Once your device is finished syncing go to your "My computer" and
then your C: drive
4) Select documents and settings
5) Select your username
6) Now in your top bar select tools, folder options
7) Now select the view tab and then select show hidden files and folders option. Then press Apply.
8) Now select application data
9) Now select Apple Computer
10) Now select Logs
11) Now select Crash Reporter
12) Now select MobileDevice
13) Now select the device that it crashed on.
14) Now right click and select arrange icons by modified.
15) Now select the crash log with the correct date. There will be a text file and a quicktime file. We require the text file.
16) Please attach the file to the reply to this message.

If you are using a Mac device, you can actually search for them.
The crash logs can change their name, but the extension is always the same: ".crash"

Try searching for any file with this extension, if you find several crash logs you can simply attach the one that matches the date and time when you started to experience the crashing issue.

Thank you for considering providing this information so we can understand how to improve in the future.

Beeline Interactive Support
mine's working fine except for the krakel invasion. what's with the hype with it? they seem to be adding content that costs berries and then overlook bugs. i mean, seriously, resolving such flaws must take the highest priority. hope it will be fixed asap. anyway, i am in dire need of two chubby krakels if anyone can help.

GC: DoubleEdgeo3
I got a very quick response to my last email & will b providing the information they need when I get home this evening. Here's their response:

Hello Erin,

You appear to be experiencing a game bug that requires further diagnosis and we’re unable to resolve your issue at this time. We would like more information so our development team may investigate. In the meantime, we ask that you do not uninstall your game.

If you are interested in proceeding, please send the following information:

Serial Number
OS Version currently used

To obtain these, please proceed along the following steps:
1) On your iPod or iPhone enter the 'Settings'
2) Next select 'General'
3) Now enter 'About'
4) for the currently used OS version, please provide the numbers next to 'Version'
5) for the serial number, please provide the numbers and letters next to 'Serial Number'

Crash Logs

To find your crash logs, please proceed along the following steps carefully:

1) plug your device into itunes and select it in itunes.
2) press the sync button.
3) Once your device is finished syncing go to your "My computer" and
then your C: drive
4) Select documents and settings
5) Select your username
6) Now in your top bar select tools, folder options
7) Now select the view tab and then select show hidden files and folders option. Then press Apply.
8) Now select application data
9) Now select Apple Computer
10) Now select Logs
11) Now select Crash Reporter
12) Now select MobileDevice
13) Now select the device that it crashed on.
14) Now right click and select arrange icons by modified.
15) Now select the crash log with the correct date. There will be a text file and a quicktime file. We require the text file.
16) Please attach the file to the reply to this message.

If you are using a Mac device, you can actually search for them.
The crash logs can change their name, but the extension is always the same: ".crash"

Try searching for any file with this extension, if you find several crash logs you can simply attach the one that matches the date and time when you started to experience the crashing issue.

Thank you for considering providing this information so we can understand how to improve in the future.

Beeline Interactive Support

Thanks Erin for trying to get the problem sorted. I can't get into my game at all. I don't want to try downloading an older version of the game as I may lose my game completely as other players have done in the past. I will wait for the next update. There have been a lot of updates recently. Like you I had a lot of eggs incubating that I can't get to, and I had eggs that I was hoping to send on to others.
Good luck
I guess I'm one of the fortunates ones, no crashing as of yet.
I read on the MPS Facebook page that they're aware of some of the crashes and are working on getting out an update. Hopefully it'll be real soon so we can all play together again!
Best of luck to those who are crashing, just hang in there for the time being. I'll gladly help you all out in getting those incubated monsters back.
As for those who have customer requests for krakels, I'll try sending a couple your way!
I guess I'm one of the fortunates ones, no crashing as of yet.
I read on the MPS Facebook page that they're aware of some of the crashes and are working on getting out an update. Hopefully it'll be real soon so we can all play together again!
Best of luck to those who are crashing, just hang in there for the time being. I'll gladly help you all out in getting those incubated monsters back.
As for those who have customer requests for krakels, I'll try sending a couple your way!

Thanks queen Bee for the update! I hope they get an update out soon!! I'm currently working on sending them the needed info from my crash report. I was lucky and only lost 1 incubated krakel & have plenty in my gift box. (All of my gifts came through 9 times :) ) I figured out that if u move the matured monsters to your features window, u can give them to the adoption agency from there without crashing. I just wasn't able to make any eggs from any of them without crashing :(
Thanks Erin for trying to get the problem sorted. I can't get into my game at all. I don't want to try downloading an older version of the game as I may lose my game completely as other players have done in the past. I will wait for the next update. There have been a lot of updates recently. Like you I had a lot of eggs incubating that I can't get to, and I had eggs that I was hoping to send on to others.
Good luck

Sorry to hear you can't get on at all. I know how frustrating it is! I will gladly help u out once you're back online, as you have helped me so much in the past.
Thanks queen Bee for the update! I hope they get an update out soon!! I'm currently working on sending them the needed info from my crash report. I was lucky and only lost 1 incubated krakel & have plenty in my gift box. (All of my gifts came through 9 times :) ) I figured out that if u move the matured monsters to your features window, u can give them to the adoption agency from there without crashing. I just wasn't able to make any eggs from any of them without crashing :(

Woohoo! that's good to hear that you didn't lose much! Just keep doing what you're doing and don't worry about making eggs just yet.
Btw, are you still in need of a nubbed bumpkin for your 100 monsters? Egg man visited today:3 lf so, I'll keep it for now and send once everything returns back to normal.
Woohoo! that's good to hear that you didn't lose much! Just keep doing what you're doing and don't worry about making eggs just yet.
Btw, are you still in need of a nubbed bumpkin for your 100 monsters? Egg man visited today:3 lf so, I'll keep it for now and send once everything returns back to normal.

Yes! Still need the nubbed bumpkin. Only 5 away from my 100!! Thanks so much!!! Egg man never leaves me anything good :(
I'm another of the lucky ones - no game crashes, and I'm having no trouble selling krakels as they mature. I must say it's hilarious these days visiting others' shops - nothing but krakels as far as the eye can see! :)

Queen bee - I noticed you've dyed your albinos - is there a special reward for that? Do you still get the berry reward for having all 5 albinos?

To those who are unable to play right now and are going to be losing eggs that are incubating - I'm sure the rest of us can get you setup again with the eggs you need once your game starts working. Hopefully this mess will be sorted soon.

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