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Monster pet shop

They must be working on something.. :)

A monster matured & the customer came to collect & he paid me & everything & then it crashed. Got back in, and did it over & over. BUT, its progress! Was only able to click on the customer before crashing earlier. I also checked my gifts & because of the bug, I have 43 krakels waiting for customers & for everyone else in need :)
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Queen bee - I noticed you've dyed your albinos - is there a special reward for that? Do you still get the berry reward for having all 5 albinos?

do NOT dye your albino monsters!!!! ohmygosh i had to learn this the hard way :(:( once you do, i'm guessing they're not "albino" anymore, so you don't get the coin or monster berry rewards anymore D:
silly me!! it looked so plain as just white, so i thought changing the colour would be okay, but i thought wrong!!
so dont do it!!!
@queenbee and gormeg. nice to hear that the game's working fine for you, but it's always good to be prepared. the tables have been completely turned in my case. my game crashed after a monster had matured, and now it does not even let me pass the loading page after hitting the play button. guess i'll just have to wait for the update.

GC: DoubleEdgeo3
do NOT dye your albino monsters!!!! ohmygosh i had to learn this the hard way :(:( once you do, i'm guessing they're not "albino" anymore, so you don't get the coin or monster berry rewards anymore D:
silly me!! it looked so plain as just white, so i thought changing the colour would be okay, but i thought wrong!!
so dont do it!!!

Wow, I was considering too, when I saw yours looking better, I am so sorry for what happened to you
@queenbee and gormeg. nice to hear that the game's working fine for you, but it's always good to be prepared. the tables have been completely turned in my case. my game crashed after a monster had matured, and now it does not even let me pass the loading page after hitting the play button. guess i'll just have to wait for the update.

That is quite unfortunate. So far i'm only crashing when i go to request an egg from my friends, but otherwise my monsters can mature,breed,sell with no problem at all. Hope it works out for you real soon!

Can anyone spare a mouse ear fuzzle, please? Thank you

Mouse eared fuzzle sent!
Haha thanks for the compliment :) it's fine, if i ever need the berries i'll use my itunes gift card :D
I saw you had a couple of treasures in your shop :O did you buy them for coins or berries?
Sorry to hear you can't get on at all. I know how frustrating it is! I will gladly help u out once you're back online, as you have helped me so much in the past.

I'm another of the lucky ones - no game crashes, and I'm having no trouble selling krakels as they mature. I must say it's hilarious these days visiting others' shops - nothing but krakels as far as the eye can see! :)

Queen bee - I noticed you've dyed your albinos - is there a special reward for that? Do you still get the berry reward for having all 5 albinos?

To those who are unable to play right now and are going to be losing eggs that are incubating - I'm sure the rest of us can get you setup again with the eggs you need once your game starts working. Hopefully this mess will be sorted soon.

Thanks everyone for your good wishes. I am sure I'll be back after the next update.

Please don't worry about saving any eggs for me as I don't mind playing the game slowly and I am only continuing playing because I enjoy your company on the forum and helping you get your albino collection.

Good luck everyone
Hi all! I've never posted on the forum, but I just wanted to thank everyone who has helped with my shop! I am one of the unfortunate victims of the most recent update, and cannot sell any monsters to customers. :/ Sorry if I can't fill egg requests as my incubators are full and I can't put any monsters into habitats to make room. My shop is at a standstill. Ugh. Hope they fix it soon. What a dumb April fools joke.

GC ID: whendelicious
do NOT dye your albino monsters!!!! ohmygosh i had to learn this the hard way :(:( once you do, i'm guessing they're not "albino" anymore, so you don't get the coin or monster berry rewards anymore D:
silly me!! it looked so plain as just white, so i thought changing the colour would be okay, but i thought wrong!!
so dont do it!!!

Good to know - I guess I'll keep mine boring white.

I had wondered if there was a reward for having all treasure monsters in the featured monsters, and I think you get 2 pieces of candy corn every week. I think I'll stick with the albinos.

I did eventually cave and buy a treasure monster for berries. I think the few ones people got for coins were a mistake and after the update they were only available for berries. I didn't see any in my shop at all for so long that I pounced on it when I finally saw one for 30 berries.
So, cannot I breed treasure monster even if I have 2 of them? Need I always to use MCS breeding center's monster? Chubby copper gloop + chubby c g = chubby c g?
just a random question. do we get the berries from the albinos even when we can't check back on the due date? to make it clearer, say if we failed to get in game for 2 weeks, will we receive only 3 berries instead of 6? i think i know the answer but i just want to confirm.

GC: DoubleEdgeo3

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