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Monster pet shop

Good morning/ afternoon/ evening to everyone! Looking for these if you can help :)
I'm happy to help with any requests that I can!
Tufted tumper
Fuzzy terrabear
Bulb headed peeper
GC: whendelicious ....have a happy day! >-- [^_^] --<

If my fuzzy terrabear makes enough little ones, I'll send you one :)
Ok almost there with Getting all my albinos. I only need 9 more different monsters. If u can help me accomplish this it will be greatly appreciated. N I will help return the favor.

I need:
Pronged fuzzle
Pronged rabble
Bulb headed peeper
Round peeper
Pronged chuffle
Tufted snorker
Nubbed terrabear
Fuzzy terrabear
Pronged terrabear

Thanks in advanced.
Gc: shay's place

gc: shay's place

Tufted snorker sent. I am sorry it has taken so long but even with the latest update I am still only seeing a few of my friends. I must have tried a dozen times to get to your shop. Apologies to all my friends, I would love to gift you every day but I haven't seen many of you for weeks.

Thanks Rus for all the skinny krakels. I am still getting lots of customer requests for them.
Tufted snorker sent. I am sorry it has taken so long but even with the latest update I am still only seeing a few of my friends. I must have tried a dozen times to get to your shop. Apologies to all my friends, I would love to gift you every day but I haven't seen many of you for weeks.

Thanks Rus for all the skinny krakels. I am still getting lots of customer requests for them.

Thank u for the egg. Do u need anything?

gc: shay's place
Tufted snorker sent. I am sorry it has taken so long but even with the latest update I am still only seeing a few of my friends. I must have tried a dozen times to get to your shop. Apologies to all my friends, I would love to gift you every day but I haven't seen many of you for weeks.

Thanks Rus for all the skinny krakels. I am still getting lots of customer requests for them.

Have u tried going to the options menu & checking if the friends you would like to see have a "check" next to their name? I've had to do that so only the ones currently playing show up
Have u tried going to the options menu & checking if the friends you would like to see have a "check" next to their name? I've had to do that so only the ones currently playing show up

Thanks for your suggestion, but Yes, I have done that and I only get a few friends each time. Each time I completely switch off and turn back on and I see a different group of friends. This is the only game I have this problem with. Other games show all my friends.
Thanks for your suggestion, but Yes, I have done that and I only get a few friends each time. Each time I completely switch off and turn back on and I see a different group of friends. This is the only game I have this problem with. Other games show all my friends.

Sorry to hear that! It seems beeline isn't interested in fixing the "bugs", only interested in bringing new useless features that require us to spend money.

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