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Monster pet shop

Drewanx...tried to get you a spiky anolly, but all three came out pronged. Sorry! :( sent you one anyway.

Anyone else need a pronged anolly?? I have 2 more! :/

GC: whendelicious ....have a happy day! >-- [^_^] --<
Thanks dears! I was shocked to receive 2 annollys at the same time!

Anw I've tried to get Pronged Fripp for 3 neighbours but only one was pronged. I've a Tufted Fripp and a Fin-Eared Fripp.

Any takers??
Can anyone spare any of these?? Thanks for any help you can give guys. Ur the best!! :)

Fuzzy terrabear

Bulb headed peeper

Tufted tumper

Nubbed marinna

...and skinny krakels of course. Ugh.

GC: whendelicious ....have a happy day! >-- [^_^] --<

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