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Monster pet shop

Dr.vien I just sent the spiky wump. Please let me know u received it. The request did not go away when I sent it so I want to make sure u got it before I delete the request

gc: shay's place
Sorry raven0869 and she_tidz...my finned pogonip made 3 horned eggs!! Grrrrr.... Well you are welcome to them. :/

GC: whendelicious ....have a happy day! >-- [^_^] --<
<>0<>0<>0<> Anyone need these eggs?? Up for grabs! <>0<>0<>0<>

Round moppet

Squiggly squidge

Stripey wump

Striped bumpkin

Horned bumpkin

Pronged anolly

Mouse eared anolly

Pointy peeper

Nubbed marinna

Horned pogonip

<>8<>8<>8<> Let me know! Trying to make space in my incubators so I can breed more monsters... <>8<>8<>8<>

GC: whendelicious ....have a happy day! >-- [^_^] --<

Could you please send me the pogonip and the wump if you don't mind?:) thanks in advance!
Any body has pogopin, Polygol, Lava horned wump, Terrabear, Boxy silver squidge??? Big thanks I can never find them in egg store, and what is wooden rabble???

Gc. Id. Andrewshao9
YAY! my first elemental monster in the shop for 1k! (wooden rabble)
anyone know whether you can get other elemental monsters from breeding it for a berry?

@ andrew: wooden rabble is a new monster
eggs cant be gifted! try giving the customer a normal rabble if you want to get rid of the request
sent over a squiggly polygol!
Last edited:
YAY! my first elemental monster in the shop for 1k! (wooden rabble)
anyone know whether you can get other elemental monsters from breeding it for a berry?

@ andrew: wooden rabble is a new monster
eggs cant be gifted! try giving the customer a normal rabble if you want to get rid of the request
sent over a squiggly polygol!

Thank you!! That's a big help!! Have a nice nice day~~~~
YAY! my first elemental monster in the shop for 1k! (wooden rabble)
anyone know whether you can get other elemental monsters from breeding it for a berry?

@ andrew: wooden rabble is a new monster
eggs cant be gifted! try giving the customer a normal rabble if you want to get rid of the request
sent over a squiggly polygol!

Yes, you can get other elementals by breeding for 5 berries. But,I've gotten the same elemental a few times. :(
ALSO, I had a regular nubbed bumpkin mature & bread it with a lighting bumpkin ( for a few coins) 3 times & received 1 regular bumpkin & 2 lighting bumpkins! So, that's a plus :)

GC ID: erin0768

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