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Mother and Daughter in China Reunited Thanks to iPhone, iPad, and Sina Weibo


iPadForums News Team
[FONT=&quot]A really nice story from Jim Dalrymple on The Loop today, about a shoe cleaner in China who stopped someone in the street that she saw carrying an iPad and asked them if she could use it to get online and try and find her daughter, who she hadn’t seen for five years. The iPad was Wi-Fi-only though, and there was no nearby network available to use, but instead, the person with the iPad took the lady’s picture with her iPhone and sent it all over the place via Sina Weibo’s iPhone app. The initial tweet was re-tweeted more than 100,000 times, and some three days later the daughter saw it and got back in touch with her mother. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The Twitter-like Sina Weibo micro blogging service is hugely popular in China, with 100 million users, and even the likes of Bill Gates and Tom Cruise use it to post messages in English to their Chinese fan base, according to the Wall Street Journal.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Source: [/FONT]iPhone, iPad help reunite Mother and daughter in China after 5 years,
[FONT=&quot]China's Sina Rolls Out English Interface For Weibo iPhone App - China Real Time Report - WSJ[/FONT]

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