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Moving house, want to install AirPlay with new stereo


iPF Noob
Hello. I am in Japan and found your forum just recently. I got the following idea after seeing this forum while fretting over the fact that the audio system I have ordered has an IPad dock but that it cancels out line inputs. The new
system, Beosound 8, would also hook to my cable TV sound output and a DVD player via an audio junction box. But with the IPad installed, it would render the other sources unplayable unless I removed the IPad from the dock.

Then I read about AirPlay here. It seems now I can buy an Airport Express, install it between my Cable Modem and the audio junction box, and then use the IPad (I have the IPad one) like a remote control or even another computer to
stream music A few things I have questions about:

- if I have the volume on on the IPad, I don't want sound to come out of it. Is there a setting to turn this off or do I have to install a plug in the line out jack of the IPad?

-will it work with Internet radio apps? I hope so. I have several that I use. Hopefully one will work.

-I already have a Time Capsule (Airport Extreme with hard disk). Does this become obsolete or can I use it as an
extender to get Wifi upstairs? I heard you can use the Express as an extender, but would hope I could use the
Capsule as the extender as the place for my Internet cable modem will be next to the tv. It would be redundant to have the Capsule getting the signal from the modem and the AE right next to it sending to the audio system. I hope therefore to have the AE as the receiving modem and the Capsule maybe next to my desktop on the second floor.

-As an alternative, I have seen Airfoil, which would presumably send audio from my desktop to the IPad using one of the wireless routers mentioned. Don't know how it compares. Also, that would require me going upstairs to select
music on the desktop, unless there is a new version that would allow me to send FROM my IPad to the Airport
Express. But in that guess it would be the same as AirPlay I guess.

Any other solution, I wonder?

Thanks for any info you can provide.

Hi Paul-hang tight with your questions. As members come through hopefully they have answers to some of your questions. While you are waiting use the Search function to see if these questions have already been answered.

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thank you. I am hoping to see a response. Judging from other posts I have read, my question is pretty basic. Basically IPad with AirPlay-(1) Can you send music to the other device without having the sound come out of the IPad itself? And (2), can you not
only send Iune but other sounds, such as Internet radio fom a radio app?

I have AirPlay installed. When my computer is on and my wifi is running I can toggle between my iPad and the stereo system my airplay is plugged in to. Basically any audio my IPad is receiving can be sent via AirPlay.
Thank you, Steve. Two parts I want to confirm:

(1) You mention your computer running when you note that you can toggle between the Ipad and the stereo system. I am a bit confused here. I thought one could have the following setup:
Internet connection--Airport Express---> Stereo
And then use EITHER the Ipad or a computer wirelessly.

Is that essentially what you have, or do you HAVE to have BOTH the computer and the Ipad on?

2) You say any audio is ok. So hopefully that DOES mean I can tune in to a radio broadcast on my Ipad and it will stream to the stereo!

japanpaul said:
Thank you, Steve. Two parts I want to confirm:

(1) You mention your computer running when you note that you can toggle between the Ipad and the stereo system. I am a bit confused here. I thought one could have the following setup:
Internet connection--Airport Express---> Stereo
And then use EITHER the Ipad or a computer wirelessly.

Is that essentially what you have, or do you HAVE to have BOTH the computer and the Ipad on?

2) You say any audio is ok. So hopefully that DOES mean I can tune in to a radio broadcast on my Ipad and it will stream to the stereo!


I generally have the computer on but all you need is the modem connection and the wifi on. I can listen to more or less anything that comes out of the audio output of the iPad. I listen to pandora, Sirius and PBS radio. I see no reason why if you can listen to the radio on the iPad why you couldn't stream it to your stereo.
Great. I specifically listen to Tunein Radio and WunderRadio, since Ipad Itunes does not have the very nice feature of the MAc with its radio. Even if my app did not work, like you say, I could always stream the Mac radio stations. basically any WIFI device on the network, as you indicate. Thank you!

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