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MS Reader files (.lit)

Thank you for your help. I have all my camera and photoshop reference materials moved to my iPad using Goodreader. It is a fantastic app. I agree, it seems much more useful than does iBooks, but then I have not done a lot with iBooks either.

I was trying to get ReaderKeyRecoveryTool to work. The one sentence that did not sink in was that that tool is only needed if the file is encrypted, which her files were not. All I needed to do in ConvertLit was to Downconvert the lit file which strips off DRM5 and creates a DRM1 LIT file. That is fed into Calibre which creates the ebook. So easy once one knows the steps to take.


Calibre had some add-on that will automatically trip DRM then convert your ebook. Maybe you will find more answers on how setup your Calibre tool in the mobileread forum.

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