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Multitasking Gestures for iPad 1 4.3.3

The voice control tweak on cydiA works but only popsu up for a few secs and close. Download and unzip using download app and unzip app and install via this file mediafire.com/?i27o2262d76qny6]iPadVoiceControl4.2.deb via ifile or ssh. This download will give you two voice control themes for winterboard. Copy and paste the unzipped files to the right directories.

And for the mt gestures i downloaded the "no not charging" tweak via cydia. Respiring and the mt gestures worked for me on 4.3.3. Din really understand y it works like that. But when I take that tweak off the mt gestures stop working.
The mt gestures have no app or settings. Just use 4 to 5 finger to swipe up and down for activator and while multiple apps are open, use 4 to 5 finger swipe right or left to switch between apps without the need of the activator.
That's after u download "no not charging" tweak via cydiA. U must have the modmyi source to get the tweak. Apt.modmyi.com is the repo.
If you're on 4.3.3 it works better to use Apple's multitasking (IMO) which is simply done by correcting a few purposeful spelling errors by Apple in a file, using iFile. I'll try to remember to link to the folder later, but it may be in the forum or a google search away. The natural multitasking doesn't conflict with any other tweak.

Added: How to enable the Multitasking Gestures for a jailbroken iPad 2 | iPad 2 iPhone 5 jailbreak for apps

I just finished downloading iFile and I made the nessassary changes that need to be made.


It's funny because the key was already written in the springboard plist for me, although instead of it saying "true" it said "false" and I changed it but it made no difference. I'm now wondering if I should download the MT gestures from Cydia and try again because I changed the false to true.
After enabling the tweak, did you go to settings - general and enable multitouch gestures?

There is no option for me to enable the gestures in the general settings, even after I have downloaded and done everything correct.
Ok i've tried all the suggested ways to install the gestures but none of them have worked. If some one has another way that might work that hasn't been already suggested please do so.

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