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My convo with an Apple Expert re:3g Pre Orders /ship dates

As was said you could always just cancel your order and test your luck at a store.

Smarter yet... Don't cancel your order, but still try your luck at a store... Then, you can always return your ipad to apple (no restocking fee if you dont open it) or sell it on fleabay...
quite bitching Corey. you ordered yours on Monday. Many of us order ours 39 days ago.

your act of pre-order is saving your place in the queue of the next batch of ipads. for all you know, yours could be number 1 in the next bacth. it makes perfect sense.

but still, you have no room to bitch
gentlefury said:
I understand your point, but I think that is because they will have mostly reserved units in the store and the few first come first serve units are to accommodate cash buyers that can't have pre-ordered...all seems fair to me.

As was said you could always just cancel your order and test your luck at a store.

For the record the online store is a seperate sales channel for customers whom do not want or cannot go to a retail store. You are garanteed delivery whereas if you stand in line you may not be lucky The retail stores and other resellers that sell Apple order direct if that makes sense And it depends what stock is available generally for new products all retail stores are allocated set numbers only to spread it out so the chance of running out is higher
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quite bitching Corey. you ordered yours on Monday. Many of us order ours 39 days ago.

your act of pre-order is saving your place in the queue of the next batch of ipads. for all you know, yours could be number 1 in the next bacth. it makes perfect sense.

but still, you have no room to bitch

Wouldn't that be quit bitching and not quite bitching? :)
I would agree with you IF that info had been known. The order was placed on the 19th before Apple changed the ship date on the site to 7 May. It was only that afternoon after getting a second email from Apple that a ship date of 7 May appeared.

If that had been clearly stated when I was ordering or they had said that any order placed at that point would not be a preorder but would be in the next wave of shipments, then I would have fully understood and agreed that I was too late to the game or common sense on missing the boat.

But no where did Apple say that the 3g production was sold out and only did that info come out later after my order was placed. So as far as I, and anyone else placing an order at that moment, knew there were no delays, production had not sold out, and it was still a PRE order.

Technically it still is a preorder, as the 3G isn't in the store. What is clearly troubling is that the date on which you thought your preorder would arrive changed from "late April" to "May 7." I empathize with you, considering I preordered in March. And I believe that considering the degree to which Apple monitors the every single movement of all their products and employees--to the point where you can't even get help at the Genius Bar without a GD appointment--the system should have at least alerted you to an "unknown" delivery date. However, you may still exercise the option of canceling your order and attempting to secure one at a store on April 30. Sure, you'd have a better chance of seeing Moses, but still worth a shot. I have to echo another poster's comment that while you may be angry, frustrated, confused, disheartened, or insert any other emotion in there to take it out on a customer service representative is really not fair. There is no shortage of people who have access to Jobs' email, send him a note. He is the person to whom you should direct your more than appropriate frustration.
Corey, after reading the big cake you made for the word ''Pre-order’’ i am wondering if you really need a iPad more than take a good rest in psychiatric hospital

you have several option: go in line buy one and cancel the online one , wait the 7 or just cancel and wait for HP Slate

Most of us have order in day 1, you order late for some reasons and now you cry in the desert because you will not get it in the first batch

So my dear cry, cry the world will not stop to turn and the only you punish is your self depressing about a week delay …
damn...got me on that one corey. I hate spell check. they need a relevance checker, or correct word for context checker
I'm sorry Corey....I'm not feeling sympathetic to your plight. You seem eager to debate the semantics of the word "pre-order".

Bottom line....you got to the party a little late, no big deal. As others have mentioned you have an opportunity to get an ipad on the 30th by going to the store.
I don't understand the whole discussion. After the very successful launch of the iPad Wifi, it was more than obvious, that the 3G would be sold out fast too.

Apple's only "fault" is, that they totally underestimated the demand.

You are moaning about a WEEK delay. We in Europe have a FULL MONTH to wait, because the US has such a high demand on iPads.

damn...got me on that one corey. I hate spell check. they need a relevance checker, or correct word for context checker

That is one thing I think could be improved...I think it was somehow more intuitive on the iPhone.

I just accidentally typed all as akk and it had no idea! The K is right next to the L...what else would it be???

There have been a lot of occasions I'll type something and it would be perfectly logical to fix it, but it either breaks it as 2 nonsense words or just leaves it with a red squiggle.

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