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My Ipad is 32 gb but it said i have 27 gb?


iPF Noob
Mar 7, 2012
Reaction score
Today i deleted all app in my ipad but remain the youtube,note,app store etc. that cant delete
And i open itune store it said the capacity is
Audio 0.03 gb
Video 0.07 gb
But i dont have any song in music - -
How can i delete and clear my ipad
And why does my ipad is only 27 gb of 32 even though i have just clear everything out
MoonlitSonata said:
iOS takes up the 5 gb you are missing. My 64 is actually 57.

Actually, some of the missing space is used internally by the solid state storage for its own purposes :)
When I purchased my 16 GB iPad 1, I foolishly asked the sales person whether the 16 GB would be available to the user. Being a true sales person, the answer was yes. I don't think that I was surprised to discover that this wasn't true.
If you jailbreak your iPad you can always remove the operating system to free up space. It's not a recommended practice, though. :) More seriously, it has long been an industry practice to report storage capacity as unformatted and ignoring the space required for an operating system and other essential utilities. Sort of like publishing a price without tax and shipping.
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