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My minis are shipping

Mine still shows delivery on Monday. In the wee hours of the morning it was in Anchorage AK .. Hope I get surprised with an early delivery tomorrow. I don't expect it today at all ... I JUST WANT IT TODAY.
I have my Verizon mini in my greedy little hands. I've not used any retina screens, just Fuji and Toshiba Thrive tablets. Screen looks great to me... especially once I turned the brightness up a bit. I'm not planning on using data, just wanted the GPS. So far it's GREAT!!! WOOHOO!

Hard to believe this thing only left China about 2 days ago... thankfully through Memphis, not NY (where a couple palates of minis were absconded).
Wow! This sucks! There seems to be no reason to stay up and place an order as soon as the Apple Store accepts them. My order was placed 3 minutes after they started online ordering and I won't receive it until Tuesday. I wonder if the Mini's being delivered today are all Verizon? I am on AT&T - is anyone receiving AT&T units? Ya, I know it is no big deal but I am curious as to how this is happening.
Wow! This sucks! There seems to be no reason to stay up and place an order as soon as the Apple Store accepts them. My order was placed 3 minutes after they started online ordering and I won't receive it until Tuesday. I wonder if the Mini's being delivered today are all Verizon? I am on AT&T - is anyone receiving AT&T units? Ya, I know it is no big deal but I am curious as to how this is happening.

That is a good question. Mine is indeed a verizon model. Only Apple knows at this point....check the new section..if it becomes know that the AT&T models aren't being delivered, it is likely there will be a news post about it.

I would lay odds you can go to a best buy tomorrow and buy one....just in case you get tired of waiting...you can return the one from Apple unopened. Just in case you get tired of waiting and have those options available.
My confirmation told me I wouldn't get it until Monday. Tonight I checked the tracking and it tells me ...
7:18 pmAt destination sort facilityORLANDO, FL

YAY ... I will have it for the weekend ... Gotta run, Big Bang Theory is on in 15 minutes.

ALSO - My unit, arriving tomorrow, is an AT&T unit ..
My confirmation told me I wouldn't get it until Monday. Tonight I checked the tracking and it tells me ...
7:18 pmAt destination sort facilityORLANDO, FL

YAY ... I will have it for the weekend ... Gotta run, Big Bang Theory is on in 15 minutes.

ALSO - My unit, arriving tomorrow, is an AT&T unit ..

Thanks Sheesh - maybe there is hope yet! :)
That is a good question. Mine is indeed a verizon model. Only Apple knows at this point....check the new section..if it becomes know that the AT&T models aren't being delivered, it is likely there will be a news post about it.

I would lay odds you can go to a best buy tomorrow and buy one....just in case you get tired of waiting...you can return the one from Apple unopened. Just in case you get tired of waiting and have those options available.

Thanks Mod! I went to Best Buy this afternoon and asked them how many AT&T units they would have on sale tomorrow and the guy did not know if they had ANY. He thought they would have them later in the month. I will swing by tomorrow and see what happens.
This tracking is stupid ..... It is here but wont deliver until Monday?

At destination sort facility

Estimated delivery :
Mon 11/19/2012 4:30 pm

shEEEsh said:
This tracking is stupid ..... It is here but wont deliver until Monday?

At destination sort facility

Estimated delivery :
Mon 11/19/2012 4:30 pm

Yup. FedEx don't tend to work over the weekend, and tomorrows deliveries are already sorted from the night before. Actually, their delivery system is quite unbelievable. You can get a parcel from anywhere to anywhere in the world within two days.

Fred Smith, the founder of FedEx, invented the "hub and spokes" distribution model, and then went on to prove that it works quite well.

On a personal note, I find it quite amusing how much a lot of people hate trucks, until they are waiting for something that's in the back of one. ;) Love a trucker. We don't bite.

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I guess I will have to just go sit on their doorstep until they give me my package ...
shEEEsh said:
I guess I will have to just go sit on their doorstep until they give me my package ...

Waiting a while will make it all the sweeter when you do get it. At least, that's what I'm telling myself about my shiny new MBP that I can't possibly get until January.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
7:58 amOn FedEx vehicle for delivery
7:54 amAt local FedEx facility

YAY !!!!
I checked Best Buy's website this morning and they are still saying the cellular model is "coming soon." This likely means they won't have them today.
IF ANYONE IS WAITING ON TRACKING INFO, LISTEN TO THIS ... EARLY this morning when I first started looking at tracking, it showed that my Mini was still in transit from Anchorage, an hour later it showed what I saw last night, that it was at the sorting facility. When I checked tracking using my ipad, it does NOT give me updated details. I was tracking this morning from my ipad and it showed that my Mini was still at the sorting center. I was going to call FedEx and I opened tracking on my desktop computer. TOTALLY DIFFERENT DETAILS. It showed that my package was on the truck for delivery. Later I went back and looked at tracking again from my iPad to see if it had been delivered to my office and it showed that my package was still at the sorting center .. NOTHING about being on the truck for delivery. Back to my desktop .. Desktop shows it is on the truck for delivery .. On my iPad I refreshed and even completely shut down. I still can't get up to date tracking. Pretty strange .. Must be a software iPad vs Desktop problem, yes?? Safari is the problem. I am SO LATE FOR WORK I better get going.
Wow...so you are checking the tracking from your iPad using Safari vs tracking from your desktop PC? Same FedEx tracking site? Amazing.

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