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My new IPad 3

jolie11 said:
@bluerob as said, if you bought your iPad, then you could try returning it since it is well within the return window and upgrade to the iPad 4 when it's available.

Mate, when I spoke with the retailer today after hearing about the release of an IPad 4 ( he claimed that he hadn't heard about this??) and I quote "I'd consider taking it back if it was in its original packaging and then, I'd think again about exchanging."

Is it possible that the IPad 3 is just old IPad 2 in stock that were refurbished with a bit more whatever's inside of them and sold as IPad 3? Just asking a question here.

I'm a newbie to the Apple world (I bought my first Apple product last year - an IPhone 4S). When I was working (I no longer work thanks to a spinal surgeon that has stuffed me - yep legal action underway) and we always had Blackberry devices and laptops/desktops that were all Microsoft based. When I was in hospital I was listening to a new generation Walkman (no tapes) and had no real interest in IPods.

I'm just disappointed that after having an IPad 2 and wanting to get the latest IPad, I find out that what I bought isn't the latest IPad.

I bought from a major retailer in Australia that makes you walk through a furniture area before you get to the electronics area so you end up getting a $4,000 lounge suite that the wives adore...(not too keen on naming companies, but those people who live in Australia will work it out).

This retailers attitude is no returns, unless in original packaging.

In my previous life, if you shafted someone, see you in court.....
jolie11 said:
@bluerob as said, if you bought your iPad, then you could try returning it since it is well within the return window and upgrade to the iPad 4 when it's available

I'm just disappointed that after having an IPad 2 and wanting to get the latest IPad, I find out that what I bought isn't the latest IPad.

I bought from a major retailer in Australia that makes you walk through a furniture area before you get to the electronics area so you end up getting a $4,000 lounge suite that the wives adore...(not too keen on naming companies, but those people who live in Australia will work it out).

This retailers attitude is no returns, unless in original packaging.

In my previous life, if you shafted someone, see you in court.....

Yeah mate, I think I know which company you mean Rob. HN on Marion Rd, Adelaide are also hopeless. Whenever you see a salesman, they drop eye contact and walk away. Ol' Gerry keeps worrying why his sales keep dropping off. Anyway, hoping your health problems turn into positive territory. Try to use your iPad to relax during!
All the best, Andrew

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Cheers, mate and yep it's Gerry's palace, but a Central Coast store in NSW.

I bought iPads because its lighter to use thanks to having more steel in me compared to a car.....
Oh boo hoo you poor consumer and keeper-up-with-the joneses. "Rich" is a relative state. There are so many people in the world today whose income is far less per year than what you paid for your iPad3, and can not even dream of such riches which could feed their children for a year.

If you really must have this latest Apple offering I'm sure you could get it by trying really hard after you sell the iPad3. But then you are going to have a problem aren't you? There could be a new iPad coming out probably next March, and you are back where you started from. Your last several posts were gushing how much you loved your iPad3. I'm sorry to hear you seem to be falling out of love.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Non of your business! Its my own opinion.. Mind your own..
You don't have problem bcoz you are rich! Buy all apple devices if you want.... I dont care because im just poor..... I cant afford to buy
Everytime apple will release their "nothin new devices, same specs, etc...."
I love apple! But this time im so disapointed..... :thumbsdown:

I am no where near rich m8. In fact. Faaaaaaaar from it. I just know how to save and budget my money and take advantage of deals when I see them.

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using Tapatalk
freebirdforever said:
Well...since you asked:

iPod Touch (3rd and new 5th gen)
iPad (1,2,3, and soon to be mini)
Macbook Pro
iPhone (had 4, 4s, and now 5)

Technology changes dude, be happy with what you have, is my advice.

I can't understand anyone who feels the need to waste money on the next release year after year. Apple needs to move with the times. Ios is outdated these days and needs sorting. If apple are not careful they will become the next Nokia for not moving with the times. Sony used to be apple you know, they owned the portable music and home entertainment sector. Giants do fall.
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I can't understand anyone who feels the need to waste money on the next release year after year. Apple needs to move with the times. Ios is outdated these days and needs sorting. If apple are not careful they will become the next Nokia for not moving with the times. Sony used to be apple you know, they owned the portable music and home entertainment sector. Giants do fall.

Not really. I just enjoy their products. Is this suddenly a problem on an Apple product forum?

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using Tapatalk
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