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My New iPad / iPad 3 Unboxing Video!


iPF Noob
Hey everyone,

Just got my new iPad and thought I'd throw up a quick unboxing video. I am working on a review and should have it up shortly - the new screen is absolutely fantastic!:thumbs:

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-Hope you enjoy.

I want to watch it but I want to do it myself in 8 hours. So I'm not going to watch it lol

Looking from the video image, looks like a good shot. What did you use to film it? slr?
Hey everyone,

Just got my new iPad and thought I'd throw up a quick unboxing video. I am working on a review and should have it up shortly - the new screen is absolutely fantastic!:thumbs:

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-Hope you enjoy.


Great ! If you could do a bit more detailed review especially with the Retina Screen. I liked your statement when you said the reason for you to select a Black over a white is, the image floats in the one with Black Bezel, think about any high definiton TV and it is Black Frames. White is indeed esthetically more beautiful. But I dont know, even I am personally gonna get a Black one so... Keep it coming Man ! ;)
If you have an iPad 2 , I would be grateful if you could compare them at their lowest brightness to see if the new one can go as low in brightness? Needed for late night reading.
I want to watch it but I want to do it myself in 8 hours. So I'm not going to watch it lol

Looking from the video image, looks like a good shot. What did you use to film it? slr?

Lol I totally understand - don't want to spoil all the goodness!

Actually I used a Canon S95 to record it - not the best camera to record with but it get's the job done. I will be switching to a Canon 5D Mark II soon to do some real high production value reviews and unboxing.

Thanks for checking it out!
If you have an iPad 2 , I would be grateful if you could compare them at their lowest brightness to see if the new one can go as low in brightness? Needed for late night reading.

I lent my iPad 2 to my buddy, I'll see if I can swing by and compare the two regarding their brightness and post back here!

Thanks for checking it out!
I know these are out there but I don't get the appeal.. Don't mean to sound rude, it is a serious question.

Not rude at all - it's kind of a way for people who haven't yet received the product to get closer to it. Also allows individuals to see what accessories come with the item and how it's packed.
I know these are out there but I don't get the appeal.. Don't mean to sound rude, it is a serious question.

I'm not trying to sound rude either but in other posts you just seem to continually try to dampen people's excitement about the New iPad. Let people be excited if they want to. So it's not your cup of tea, we get it by now! Not to mention but it looks like you were 2nd in line for the 3:00 am viewing!
Quick Update:

I posted a full review:
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I tried to cover most everything that is new, it is quite a machine!
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