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Name Your Issue/concern/problem With ipad2!

Warning the image is large.
My smart case is rubbing on the iPad.
Got mine march 25th. This sucks.

64GB 3G White iPad


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The only issue I have is the virtual keyboard. I would like one like iAWriter that works on all app via iOS.
Plus, it needs a stand ... hand arm gets tired holding as is. Targus pivotVu case works like a charm.
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The delete button in Photos does not work.

It's a 'feature' not a bug.

Photos that have been synched with iTunes on your PC cannot be deleted from the iPad directly - you need to delete them on the PC and then synch

Photos that were not synched with your PC - i.e. maybe a photo received by email, a screenshot, one uploaded from your camera - these can be deleted by the iPad.

Yester5 said:
The delete button in Photos does not work.

The delete function only works for Photos you have imported via the camera connection kit. Photos synced through iTunes can only be deleted via iTunes. It is a nuisance, but an intended one.

Or just read Tim's explanation.
Lousy cams and mono speakers are very disappointing. My smart cover falls off when held upside down and comes off when bumped lightly.
SweetPoison said:
One sentence or less, please!

Please don't state issues like:

" I can't find one ", "too much money", "it's a piece of crap"

Issues/concerns/problems,with the physical unit itself.

I will add a poll as soon as I figure out what they all are in the multiple threads posted.

Thanks, guys!

Oh ~ and also add the month you received you iPad2.

So I guess my post was heard then,

What are you talking about?
Difficulty using Safari and Numeral tab on toolbar

My iPad2 is my first Apple product. I'm still on a steep learning curve but have synched music and use iTunes and and learned the basic tips and tricks. Still, I love this thing except for Safari. I suppose I can switch browsers at some point as I learn more.

With safari, I can never tell if opening a link or clicking an article will close the safari page and put it in the background or simply load the new link and allow me to back up when i'm done with that site.
So as I browse, I have to often close a site completely by tapping the numeral tab at top and then squinting and hunting for the last window I was using, i.e. 1 through 9. Is there a indicator that the safari page will close if I click a particular news article?
Also with my clumsy fingers I often miss-tap to a wrong site. You can't stop a webpage load of refresh either, to my knowledge. If I hit the back button while a page is loading, my iPad often locks up.

Does anyone else struggle with this?
The poster presumes that we will find faults with it

How about a category of 'It's Great"? No problems at all. It does exactly what I expected of it.

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