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Name Your Issue/concern/problem With ipad2!

Can you help me upgrade my ipad2 to ios5? I need step by step directions. I am struggling and can not find a step by step site to refer to. I am older and not a guide for dummies...lol Ty for any info you can give me.
gobosojo said:
Can you help me upgrade my ipad2 to ios5? I need step by step directions. I am struggling and can not find a step by step site to refer to. I am older and not a guide for dummies...lol Ty for any info you can give me.

I'll look at this and post the step by step procedure.
quake5254 said:
I'll look at this and post the step by step procedure.

Thank you. I would truly be thankful ! I started the backup and had to keep going back because it was not getting all the apps and then when I thought that part was done I went to download upgrade and it said I did not have everything..I did upgrade iTunes after some of apps were there...I am so lost and afraid to go any further...I do not want to loose my pics or apps..thank you for your time.
None whatsoever. Love it to bits.

I could, however, grumble at the low camera res, non retina screen, mono speakers etc etc, but i cant. I must be objective from the period it was produced.

That said, i still have no complaints.

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