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Need help with a Nexus 7


iPF Noob
I'm trying to figure out Android and my new Nexus 7 and, to be honest, I'm struggling. I am very used to iOS, and everything about this platform seems wrong to me. I am posting at an N7 forum and they are helping but I was invited to ask here, as well. So here goes.

One thing that has really stumped me is how to read my subscription magazines. On my iPad3 I use the Amazon Kindle app, this works great. The magazines perform, like, well, magazines. Meaning on each screen I see the page layout just like I would if I were reading a printed copy. I swipe, and the whole page turns and I see the next one. Works great. When I read magazines on the N7, the pages appear in book form. Like, a page of printed text from a book, with a picture above or below the paragraph. I can read magazines that way with my Fire HD...if I tell it to. I have the option to use either viewing style. With the N7 I have no idea how to switch back, and its making me crazy. There has to be a way, right? Also, why do I only see about half of my subscriptions on the N7?

The advice I get from the Nexus forum is to use a different magazine reader. Ok, but which one? There don't seem to be any others, except for Google Magazines.

So, I'm frustrated. I had actually listed the N7 on CL, but a couple members at the N7 forum talked me into giving it another chance. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Found your topic.......

With Android and Kindle PDF files don't turn like a newspaper or leaf of a book, they are simply swiped from page to page.
What makes the Apps different between iOS and Android is with iOS you tell the Magazine which App to use so it is always found.
However, with Android you store items in a folder where all Apps that can read the file type can view the files.
In other words you have to point the App to wherever the files are stored, which is opposite to iOS where you point the file to where the App is stored.

I haven't used Kindle for a while but if memory serves me correctly you need to get the Magazines from the Store and not from the Android device.

First question....... Where exactly are the Magazines. Are they stored on your N7 or elsewhere?

In reference to the other reader, the one which I recommend is Moon Reader.
With Moon Reader it should turn the pages like a book although again for a PDF you will have to check on this.
Moon Reader has a Free and Paid version on the Google Play Store.
Try the Free version first and see how you get on with it.
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The magazines are in the amazon cloud. I read them by downloading them to my iPad or my Fire. They are paid subscriptions and appear exactly the same way in both devices.
Well you should by default be able to read the magazines that way. If they are not appearing that way there must be a setting you need to apply.

I don't have my N7's anymore gone to my Granddaughter and Son-in-Law but it's the same as on my Galaxy Note 10.1
I'll have a look later when back home and check the Note 10.1

In reference to where your books are located, that's okay. The Magazine store is fine. Again you should be able to go to the store and load your books up no trouble.
I'll have a look at this...... But I don't have any Magazines only books so I may not be able to help you much on this.
<<<Well you should by default be able to read the magazines that way. If they are not appearing that way there must be a setting you need to apply.>>>

That's what I'm thinking, but heck if I can find it.

I logged into my Amazon account, where my subscriptions live. Some of them are greyed out for the Android, so I guess that means I'll never be able to read them on the Nexus, in any format. Another thing that's frustrating. This is the third instance where content that I have via iOS is not available in the same app via Android.
I've not come across this problem before....
I have Kindle on all my devices Android and iOS and they all read my content fine.

I'll check my Note 10.1 tomorrow when I get back and come back to you.

In the meantime which Android forum have you been talking on? I may already be a member on that site.

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