iPF Noob
So,i placed my ipad2 on the charger the night before,when my daughter went to use it the only thing showing was a battery logo with a thin red line and a lightning bolt beneath it.after messing with it for bit ive gotten it to go from the battery icon to the looping silver apple icon.apple icon will get bright then dim then shut off,it will then reapear and do that over and over.it also will go from battery icon with thin red line ,like 1 percent charge back to the silver apple icon.it will do this over and over again.i am able to get it into dfu mode and reg restore mode.ive spent the entire day trying to fix it without any luck.ive used redsnow ,downloaded from 5.0 to 6 ios original tried every 1 of those in the extra,even more ,restore options .everyone i used kept saying that it wasnt the correct ios.i dl tiny umbrella ,ive tried different chargers wall ,usb diff cables diff computers to do reg restores from itunes and also dfu mode restores from itunes with no luck.ive tried adding and deleting the apple ip in the hosts file on 3 diff pc/laptops.disabled my security.ive tried hard reset 500xs already.i have searched and searched all websites and still cant get this thing to boot up.no matter what i cant get passed the verifying from apple part,it either sits there for an hr or it just gives the error messages .ive looked up the mess tried whatever it said to do and then just end up with a diff err message.this ipad isnt even a year old yet battery and ipad were perfect yesterday.