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need imexchange advice BADLY...thanks..


I see this thread is not beeing answered for some months, but I need some HELP, please...
I want to use TASKS synchronized with Outlook (Exchange 2010).

There are not many apps to do it in Apple store, and IMExchange seems to be a good one. But I can't make it work...
I keep getting a message "Error connecting with server".

I've made a test to see if the account setting were OK: Changed a letter at the server or domain identification, and the message changed to
"There was a prolem accessing the account. Please check the account settings". So, apparently, the account settings is OK. The problem is another one.

Some info:
- I've paid the 7,99 to get the continuous sync right
- I don´t have more than 30 tasks

Does someone knows another software to use (outlook tasks)??


Sorry, that I cannot answer your question but I have one that is most likely similar in nature and probably related.

There is an application I installed on my ipad that is not working. iMExhange2 was developed to give the user access to Outlooks Tasks and Notes. It utilizes the same login fields as the Mail application uses to access Outlook Exchange email. Unfortunately using the same settings as email, I am getting the error “There was a problem accessing the account. Please check the account settings.â€

We are on 2007 and 2010 doesn't support it at all. I beleive that it may have something to do with the way that we authenicate, but an unsure.

Any thoughts
Mine works

I cannot explain why. I m running Windows 7 with Outlook 2010. I is not perfect and sometimes have to delete the account and add it back. I am thinking it is some settings on the server side for you. All i can say is mine works. I wish i knew what to tell you. I know this is frustrating..
I have not invested in the paid version of imexchange2 yet. I am testing different products for our users that rely on the notes feature in Outlook. We are running Exchange 2010 and Office 2007. Oddly, I was ready to rule out this product because I could not get it to connect with our servers through an iphone 4s. Same error messages as the others posted. But then I tried it on an ipad and it worked perfectly. Both are running iOS5. I cannot figure out where or why there is a difference. If anything I would think that the ipad would have been problematic since I do not have the data service activated on it.

I have been combing support groups for a couple of days now. Any ideas?
Need basic directions plse...
All I see on the iPhone is the greating screen of the iMExchange2 showing my account name, + Add account & Settings rows. Cannot see any of the actual Notes. Going crazy... Can anyone help?
mduros said:
I have not invested in the paid version of imexchange2 yet. I am testing different products for our users that rely on the notes feature in Outlook. We are running Exchange 2010 and Office 2007. Oddly, I was ready to rule out this product because I could not get it to connect with our servers through an iphone 4s. Same error messages as the others posted. But then I tried it on an ipad and it worked perfectly. Both are running iOS5. I cannot figure out where or why there is a difference. If anything I would think that the ipad would have been problematic since I do not have the data service activated on it.

I have been combing support groups for a couple of days now. Any ideas?
I was wondering if anyone had found a solution to this. I installed the trial version and it worked fine, but then upgraded to the paid version and I lost all the notes. I get the same error message as everyone else now - error communicating with server - despite using precisely the same settings as I use for Mail to connect to the server.

This is infuriating and I have not had any response from the software designer.
Thanks, Greg
I was wondering if anyone had found a solution to this. I installed the trial version and it worked fine, but then upgraded to the paid version and I lost all the notes. I get the same error message as everyone else now - error communicating with server - despite using precisely the same settings as I use for Mail to connect to the server.

This is infuriating and I have not had any response from the software designer.
Thanks, Greg

Mine used to work fine with iMExchange2 on my iPhone and my iPad, until I upgraded to the continual sync version. Now, I get the errors 99% of the time. Occassionally, it will actually sync my 200+ notes, but 99% of the time it doesn't, and it wipes the 200+ out and returns me back to 0 again. Very frustrating. I have emailed the developers, and no response or help either. I wish the app would just work as planned.

Please let us all know if someone can figure this out!
Not editable

I recently installed the free version and things have synced between devices very well.

However I can't seem to edit a note on my iPad. I think I was able to previously but I can't be sure.. When I click on a note my only option is to then 'cancel' any changes I have made. It's quite annoying and slightly defeats the functionality of it all. Am I missing something?

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