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New iPad 3 user - the most frustrating 7 hours of my life.......

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Been awhile since you bought any new tech?

Almost no one prints manuals anymore, paper is so pase in the 21st century. All Apple products, like Canon, Nikon, HP, etc., have their manuals on-line as pdfs. Simply put it on your iPad for reference. You may update it when new OS versions replace the old. Try that with a printed manual. Oh, by the way, you may print it as well

iTunes is your method for communicating with the iPad, same as with an iPhone or iPad. Online manual for that as well.

Sorry it took your Chappy a week to figure it out. Most spend 10-15 minutes to do that.

If you cannot remember where you store your files you may wish to make notes. No, the iPad will not deal with your old PC directories for photo filing. It is not a PC.

Lots of free software to convert your videos to iPad friendly files. Google it.

You may wish to read up on this device and practice with it a bit. Please do remember that this is not a computer and do not expect to treat it like one.
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Install iTunes. Let it scan your PC for pictures, music, and video. It will then add and organize these items in the proprietary iTunes library.

Once complete connect your iPad via USB port and sync it. All items in the iTunes library will be copied to your iPad.

thanks for this great advice iam also new to itunes. you just made it so easy for me
MikesTooLz said:
dont know if you already know about the eye-fi SD Cards.

I can put my Eye-Fi SD card into my camera, then as I take pictures it instantly and wirelessly transfers and displays my pictures on the ipad as i take them.

Note: Eye-Fi card is not high speed, so its able to take 4 or so large pictures in a row but they you have to wait a second for it to write everything to the card before continueing. Its not going to be good if you need to take a big burst of action shots.

I find my eye-fi card to be great for my amateur uses. It will direct transfer when you are not in range of wi-fi. But I don't need speed. I use a Nikon CoolPix p100, so I think Nikons work well with this card. All you pictures go into the saved file to be sorted into albums by you.
What I found that helped me getting music pictures and videos on my iPad2 was after paying $650+US for it by spending another $1,400+US for a Mac Pro Notebook was helpful it just loves iTunes. so just dig up some cash and get a Mac Pro Notebook. Problem solved.
Happy to be of help to anyone. Glad progress is being made by all.

I've been where you folks are and was equally frustrated and confused. Now I know just enough to be a danger to myself!
I feel your pain OP, I purchased the iPad for the same reason to show my clients pictures and or video when necessary...
I have the camera kit works great... My problem is I can't get the pictures or video off the iPad.....this has baffled me as too why I can import but not export my content?????? I have yet found out how to get the HD video off the iPad and onto my Mac or back to sd card....
I feel your pain OP, I purchased the iPad for the same reason to show my clients pictures and or video when necessary...
I have the camera kit works great... My problem is I can't get the pictures or video off the iPad.....this has baffled me as too why I can import but not export my content?????? I have yet found out how to get the HD video off the iPad and onto my Mac or back to sd card....

Use the Image Capture app (comes with the Mac) to copy photos and videos off the iPad's camera roll back to the computer. Or you can use iPhoto or Aperture (photos only).

For stuff in the albums that you synced with iTunes, those should already be on the Mac. If not I find PhotoSync (not Photo-Sync) does an excellent job of copying photos and videos between computers and iOS devices.
Use the Image Capture app (comes with the Mac) to copy photos and videos off the iPad's camera roll back to the computer. Or you can use iPhoto or Aperture (photos only).

For stuff in the albums that you synced with iTunes, those should already be on the Mac. If not I find PhotoSync (not Photo-Sync) does an excellent job of copying photos and videos between computers and iOS devices.

Wow, thanks twerppoet just used the image capture for a video worked flawless .... I will check the app out also... After I move some more vids over... Again Thanks!!!
SBPC said:
Wow, thanks twerppoet just used the image capture for a video worked flawless .... I will check the app out also... After I move some more vids over... Again Thanks!!!

No problem.
Man....by definition, one should not need to read the manual to use an iPad.....these things can be used by 2 year olds.

But as this is about iTunes, and iTunes blows, bad, it is no wonder that one needs to read the manual. iTunes is one of apples few failures.
Jez EMIN said:
Yes but Midranger4 i don't want to scan 4.5 terabytes of hard disks - I have a huge amount of photos, music and video......

I know what I want to put onto the iPad, it's just that it doesn't seem very intuitive how to do it. And then, it doesn't allow you ANY way of viewing that stuff on your iPad in a logical order you choose to employ (okay, music is fine I can handle the way it wants to list albums/artists etc, but my Photos ?? My training videos ?? Just splatter those willy-nilly ??).....

Sorry, I'm tired, this has exhausted me ! But thanks for your help.

Did you think about purchasing the iPhoto app?
SBPC said:
I feel your pain OP, I purchased the iPad for the same reason to show my clients pictures and or video when necessary...
I have the camera kit works great... My problem is I can't get the pictures or video off the iPad.....this has baffled me as too why I can import but not export my content?????? I have yet found out how to get the HD video off the iPad and onto my Mac or back to sd card....

Drop box
iTunes is not a bad program, just overloaded. With the shear volume of items in iTunes, the original program cannot be upgraded enough to make it as fluid as most would like. Apple has purchased a company for a program that can be used to redesign the iTunes store. Hopefully, it will be in place before too many more months, to appease the iTune haters. Of course, with the millions of songs, movies, apps, etc., how do you manage them all?
I'm not sure I have a problem with the store, just the pc app that runs on windows. I'd live to see a revamped prog for the pc.
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