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New iPad has 1GB of RAM

Lack of RAM was the sole reason for me upgrading from iPad 1 to 2. The 256mb was too limiting, even with core IOS apps such as Safari where if you scrolled too fast you got the checker board effect as the rest of the web page was loaded into memory. This was mostly eradicated on the iPad 2 with twice the RAM. IOS works well with a small amount of RAM but if you then try to run an intensive app, the lack of RAM can become all too obvious.

I would've been more interested in updating for more RAM, but iOS 5.1 seems to have eliminated the many RAM-related crashes I was having on iPad 1 and 2.

I hadn't changed my iPad habits since iPad 1's debut, but iOS 5 sent things crashing often, and my diagnostics logs showed RAM-related crashes repeatedly, especially on iPad 1.

Since going to iOS 5.1, I've had only one crash, versus multiple crashes every day on iOS 5 and 5.0.1.
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What misconception? Are you honestly saying the amount of RAM has no impact on multitasking??
As for the 1080p argument. I never said it can't be done but quite simply the more data you are working with, the less painful that is with more ram.
Don't forget any browser that uses tabs is effectively multitasking. It may appear as a single app to the user but essentially there are multiple sessions running. Now the iPad 1 would occasionally struggle with a single page, granted dependant on the content in that page. iPad 2 alleviated that and the iPad 3 will improve this further.

Your misconception of what the word multitasking means for computers and how it applies to software. NO amount of RAM will ever make an OS multitask better. Either the OS is written well or it is not. And iOS is NOT written well when it comes to multitasking presently.

BTW, Safari under iOS only gained TRUE multi-threading operations for individual tabs under iOS 4 and even then it wasn't 100% till iOS 5. So while your example is technically correct, it took them two versions of the OS to get it right.

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