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new Ipad user, already hating Apple

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iPF Noob
My god, does Apple think every user is a complete technical moron??

I have been a PC tech/network admin for years but have never owned a Mac or any Apple product other than my 10 year old daughters ipod touch (I'm beginning to think she must be a typical Apple user)

How do users put up with this cr@p?? I mean seriously, you have to jailbreak the POS to do a function so basic as set a default browser??

As soon as I started using Perfect Browser, I knew I had no more use for the much too basic Safari. I didn't think much of that, I knew I couldn't uninstall Safari but I figured of course I could set PB as the fefault (I can't EVER remember a time that wasn't possible in any PC). Well, nope: Apple won't allow that, I guess they are too afraid of the users breaking the thing...........

All is perfect for me, and I'm in the majority. You obviously can't please all the peeps all the time, and Apple nearly have. How many millions sold to date, and still supply is short? Tat the biggest majority are happy, and that says heaps.

I don't jail break and never will (again). We're not all techie users you know. Us 'typical Apple users' kinda rule the roost to be honest, and the sales figures tell it all.
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Wow! This is my first Apple product and Now I can't wait to get rid of my pc. I could not be happier with my iPad 2. I'm convinced, for me at least, Apple is the way to go.
So what do you like about Perfect Browser. How does it compare to safari and why is it so much better?

after I posted this query, I just looked up Perfect Browser on Google and there are my answers. I just hadn't heard about this browser. We just got our iPad2 recently and we are also learning.

I read thru the description, so now I am a bit smarter... if you want to use Perfect can't you just put it in one of the 6 or 7 locations on the master icon position. Just move Safari up into the main page like all the other icons. I did that with iTunes as I don't listen to music much. push and hold on the icon until it starts to wiggle ... then you can move them where you want. When done just push the home button and everything is set.
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IBM vs Apple, IBM vs Unix, Apple vs Microsoft, Microsoft vs Linux, Apple vs Android...It's never ending and it's always the same argument. i.e. a coherent, satisfying user experience vs a flexible, customizable device.

Despite their differences IBM and Apple have always taken a similar approach in their design and engineering. Control both the hardware and software of their products and provide a unified, coherent, albeit proprietary user experience as a result. Likewise, despite their differences Microsoft and Google have long taken a different approach. Focus on software and support relatively "open" standards that encourages mix and match combinations of hardware and software. (Sometimes, even often, grudgingly.) That approach means greater "customizability," but runs huge risks in terms of a coherent, integrated user experience.

There's no right answer. Complaining that Apple doesn't provide the same level of customizability (especially in a device that was not designed to be an omni-functional computer) as its competitors is as futile as complaining that Windows doesn't always "play well" with software and hardware that was never taken into consideration in its design.

Apple does what it does very well. Its totalitarian attitude regarding its products is an inevitable consequence of a decision to minimize software and hardware conflicts and to provide a common user experience for its customers. Microsoft and to an even greater extent the various descendants of Unix support a much greater range of customizability because they must. And while, say, Android customers will have a much greater range of choices in terms of hardware in both phones and tablets, Apple customers are able to choose among thousands of specialized applications largely because Apple tightly controls the range of devices that developers must support.
I have been a PC tech/network admin for years but have never owned a Mac or any Apple product other than my 10 year old daughters ipod touch (I'm beginning to think she must be a typical Apple user)


Internet writing can be easily misunderstood.
As such, perhaps I have misunderstood the intent of this highlighted statement.
If I haven't, let me clarify I am 52, not 10, and as by my signature, I love the Kool-Ade.
Guess I am outside the "typical Apple user".
So what do you like about Perfect Browser. How does it compare to safari and why is it so much better?

after I posted this query, I just looked up Perfect Browser on Google and there are my answers. I just hadn't heard about this browser. We just got our iPad2 recently and we are also learning.

I read thru the description, so now I am a bit smarter... if you want to use Perfect can't you just put it in one of the 6 or 7 locations on the master icon position. Just move Safari up into the main page like all the other icons. I did that with iTunes as I don't listen to music much. push and hold on the icon until it starts to wiggle ... then you can move them where you want. When done just push the home button and everything is set.

Simply moving the icon positions does not change the default browser. When an app redirects you to a web page or HTML file, Safari will still be the application that launches. Without a jailbreak, I don't believe there is a way to change the default browser.
icab is the best browser out there for ipad. does everything perfect and atomic browser does n more. actually the default safari can ne changed, thru JB tweak/app though. its in cydia, check it out.
icab is the best browser out there for ipad. does everything perfect and atomic browser does n more. actually the default safari can ne changed, thru JB tweak/app though. its in cydia, check it out.

I would love to, but it's an ipad2.

jmorton10 said:
My god, does Apple think every user is a complete technical moron??

Not likely. I'm pretty sure that they realize that some people are technically savvy but don't really care about the minutiae like which will be their default browser. For other people things like that aren't inconsequential - be they techies or not.

jmorton10 said:
I have been a PC tech/network admin for years but have never owned a Mac or any Apple product other than my 10 year old daughters ipod touch (I'm beginning to think she must be a typical Apple user)

Funny you should mention that. There was a story just yesterday about an unscientific survey regarding computer users and it did find that the typical Apple user is somewhat younger than the typical Windoze user - along with being more liberal, better educated and a raft of other characteristics. Personally, I'm not young any longer - turning 50 this year :eek: - and I use both. If not for my job developing Windows software I'd be happy to ditch the PC, though, and get my first Mac.

jmorton10 said:
How do users put up with this cr@p?? I mean seriously, you have to jailbreak the POS to do a function so basic as set a default browser??

I think that the people for whom the default browser is important but for whom the iPad is still otherwise a good fit would probably go the jailbreak route. OTOH, there's no guarantee that the iPad is a good fit for you. Particularly if you enjoy working with Windows computers you might want something a little less stable but more configurable to keep you in your comfort zone. That's the beauty of a free market - you can chose what you like and I can chose what I like.

jmorton10 said:
As soon as I started using Perfect Browser, I knew I had no more use for the much too basic Safari. I didn't think much of that, I knew I couldn't uninstall Safari but I figured of course I could set PB as the fefault (I can't EVER remember a time that wasn't possible in any PC). Well, nope: Apple won't allow that, I guess they are too afraid of the users breaking the thing...........

When a luser breaks something, who do they blame? Themselves? Not usually. The manufacturer? Good bet. The person who sold them the thing? Entirely possible. If you've done much tech support you should know that's how it works. I know that I hear "It shouldn't let me <fill in the blank of something so stupid no one in their right mind would consider doing it>! It's your fault for not catching it!" way too often. Not so much amongst the truly tech savvy people, but amongst the much larger population of people who only think they're tech savvy.
My god, does Apple think every user is a complete technical moron??

Apple won't allow that, I guess they are too afraid of the users breaking the thing...........


John you are on the wrong site for that sort of talk. As a fellow PC user I will be happy to agree that there are many limitations in the Ipad. Most of these limitations are simple Apples way of thinking. Apple products tend to follow one rule, it works/does what Apple wants the way Apple wants it and that is that. You are not going to be able to change that.

You have to look at what a Ipad can do and then decide if it will meet your needs. If it meets your needs then it's a keeper, if not then move on as you are not going to be able to change it.
This thread could be a good discussion. Let us remember to be respectful in our responses and think ~ before hitting that submit button.
I just purchased an iPad2 and a month earlier, an iPod. My first Apple purchase ever. It took a lot of convincing on a friend's part to make me actually spend my money on Apple. I do like them for all the reasons millions have been flocking to it. But I don't like Apple's 'locked up' policies and their resultant higher prices ...never have liked them. I built my first PC in 77. Been around the block a few times with literally having built hundreds of PCs for friends and customers over these 34 years. All have been open PCs with Microsoft. They just do things better, cheaper, faster. That's why Apple is 10% and PCs are nearly 90% of the world. That said, Apple products are among the best designed computers in the world. I have always thought they are 'beautiful' products. Why couldn't they just open 'em up. Let users inside if they want. Let 3d party manufacturers build components and modifications. Give software developers free access to the OS. Why do you have to jailbreak software to get access to various functions?

I will use my two Apple products for the time being. Until something better comes along from the Windows and/or Android world. I hate having iTunes and Quicktime and all this other crap on my computer just to support iPad. Why can't I just hook my iPad to a USB port and drag and drop any movie, any music, any program I want and where I want onto the iPad?
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