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PC user's first week with IPAD

Dropbox - app can store up to 1GB locally - of recently viewed documents. Can save any type of data there - has a built in viewer - and has the capability to send file to various programs. I.E. - I can send my pptx to Keynote, or Documents to Go, as well as several note apps.

Zenviewer is another app that allows you to transfer various files to the iPad for later use.
Zen Viewer Overview | The ultimate file viewer and reader for iPad. Read, organize, store your documents, view photos, listen to music, watch videos and record audio.

There is plenty of free/quality software - use Appshopper to find it
iPad Apps, iPhone Apps, Deals and Discovery at App Shopper - Popular Recent Changes for iOS

For PDF reading - I prefer Goodreader as suggested before. It has a built in web browser which will allow you to download PDFs to the App. It has an organization tool so you can keep PDFs organized. You can annotate PDFs too.
GoodReader for iPad for iPad on the iTunes App Store

Try Atomic Web Browser - You can save web pages, pdfs, etc offline - and you can open them in external apps - like good reader.
Atomic Web Browser

If it comes to it - you can always get an external bluetooth keyboard. There are a bunch of keyboard and selecting tricks.
Keyboard Shortcuts and Typing Tips for your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch
The best one - is the hold and slide.
There is also the flick up - you can flick the ?/. to get a ", flick !/, to get '

Select and navigate/cut/paste takes some getting used to. If you want to select something, just press and hold, then hit select, there will be blue "buttons" to select with so it makes it easy. Hold/select all - is the closest you'll get to selecting a line - but dragging with the blue buttons makes a select line kind of mute.

So - in summary - try Atomic for your saving issue, try good reader and zen viewer for your file issue.
regarding SingingSabre question as to

"Why doesn't the spotlight search work for you?

What would you want to do to open files with different programs? Do you use a word processor programs for things other than word processing? I'm just confused as to why you would need more than one program for a file type, save for the difference between viewing and editing."

Spotlight search probably will work to find files. Yes.

I think you answered the question yourself regarding the use of different programs for a given file. Yes, I find some apps better for viewing than for editing, and vice versa.

Yes, it appears there are ways to move files from device to iPad. I just find it a bit more difficult than I believe it should be. Even more so if you are trying to share files from a computer that has not been properly configured.

For example...if I have a sister-in-law from whom I would like to get a copy of a document. She has a laptop. I have an iPad. Flash card? USB drive? USB cable? CD? No to all these options and any other that I can think of.

I am finding similar problems with setting up iTunes on my own second machine. It seems that the iPad wants to maintain a monogamous relationship with my desktop computer. If I try to sync, with iTunes, on my second computer (laptop), I get messages warning of data and app loss.

Admitedly, there may be ways around these things that I have yet to discover. I just find, for my needs and interests, the iPad to be at a very real disadvantage in the area of file management.
Ober, you should set up your iPad not to automatically sync. This should get rid of your problem warning of app and data loss.

Second, download one of the free flash drive apps. With those, if said hypothetical sister in-law has iTunes, it's easy to attach your iPad to her computer and transfer whatever files out of the flash drive app you want to give her. You also have the option to password protect sensitive files, be they documents, photos, videos, or other types.

I see no problem with the way iOS manages files. If you want to do music editing, open a music editor than add the files you want. If you want to do document editing, open a document editor. If you want to view photos, open Photos, etc. I understand if you prefer a file centric system, as that's what desktop systems usually are and it's an easier transition. With a bit of time (give it a couple more days) the app centric system works quite well.

Thank you for your advice. I may try some of your suggestions.

Unfortunately, I have apparently been unclear about my "criticism" of the iPad (perhaps this is not allowed). I did not mean to suggest that these things CANNOT be done. My observation is simply that they are much harder than they should be, and harder than it is on competing devices. That is all.

Thanks again.
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Thank you for your advice. I may try some of your suggestions.

Unfortunately, I have apparently been unclear about my "criticism" of the iPad (perhaps this is not allowed). I did not mean to suggest that these things CANNOT be done. My observation is simply that they are much harder than they should be, and harder than it is on competing devices. That is all.

Thanks again.

I understand it completely. I think, while it could be easier, the extra steps for drag and drop file sharing through iTunes are the price to pay for security. I love that my Droid X can easily be used as a jump drive, but I hate how slow it can be and that malware is becoming prevalent in the Android Market.

Everything has its drawback, right?
My apologies, if this has been covered (or described in better detail). Goodreader is like a file manager that creates a sandboxed filespace that allows you to manage and create folders and organize files. It starts out empty of course but to download a PDF file you just insert the PDF's URL and download it to goodreaders filespace. Plus it does way more, including accessing my 2 gigs of free dropbox space. I installed the free dropbox app on my Mac Air and win7 PC. Now my Mac, win7 and iPad all share the same folder or subfolders via the cloud. For offline viewing I download the file or files (docs, PDF, movies, etc) to the iPad with (you guessed it) goodreader. If you choose to open PDF files with the iBooks app they will show on your bookshelf. I keep all my manuals for electronics, IT books, etc in the iBooks app. I've included a screen capture of it running on my iPad.

Learning to use the iPad is like learning any new OS.

Windows, OSX, Linux, IOS, UNIX, Android

Have fun learning.

Sent from my huge iPod touch via IPF.


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ipad.subu said:
Installed ,instapaper bookmark or bookmarklet on safari. Saved a page. Instapaper needs Internet connection to bring back the page. So does not meet my need of saving pages to read when i do not have connection or may not have internet connection

Will try the google search And laugh next ...


You need to open up instapaper and let it download all your saved pages while you still have your Internet connection (do this before you leave your Internet-enabled area). Then you can view those articles later without Internet connection.

thanks for all the patient answers ...

On this instapaper note above

1. I have 100s of files on my Windows PC.
2. Assuming that over time I would have similar 100s on my iPad and that some would be PDF, some XL , some XL referenced to each other, Some Doc etc etc ...
3. ..and .. assuming that I would not need every one of them every day, but it is difficult to tell when I would need what tomorrow at a client's place /or/ day after tomorrow at work or at the next meeting
4 ..and hence, assuming that pre planing "which file <-> where / when" sequence is not possible

Should I send each of my files as links to Instapaper and then open each of them at least once when connected to the net and *then* they are available offline ...

right ?

Is that what you are saying ? or am I miss understanding you ?

Given :
I have a wi fi iPad and so have connection *only* a few hours a day ..not all hours
I use web browsers, I use Ms office (or open office) products, I use PDF
I need to travel and iPad's attraction was easy to carry and long life IF I can use it for office and meetings etc
My iPad is NOT ONLY for watching videos or listening music. It is for creating spreadsheets, docs, presentations etc
Subu's reply : Thanks for taking time to reply. This board has been a saviour so far. I'm trying to highlight my problems ... real or imagined !! I've numbered my reply for easy reference

regarding SingingSabre question as to
"Why doesn't the spotlight search work for you?

Subu's reply to oberkc #1 .
I haven't quite got out of the habit (a) being able to locate a file ... & (b) knowing where it is so that I can copy it, move it, rename it etc etc ...
That's the way I've worked in windows. If I have a 1000 XL files, I do not have them in one directory. I have them in approx 25 .. 30 places, based on my work or based on the client ...or ...
I remember the groups (if not every individual files)
so if it is problems I discussed with Client / site a, I know which sub dir to find it in

What would you want to do to open files with different programs? Do you use a word processor programs for things other than word processing? I'm just confused as to why you would need more than one program for a file type, save for the difference between viewing and editing."

Subu's reply to oberkc # 2 : The other way around. I open Text in XL so that I can covert it (data pharse it) and add / subtract etc . I do this pretty regularly. However this alone was not the reason I wrote about the need. This need to "see" and "remember" where a file is , is based on windows thinking / methods .

Spotlight search probably will work to find files. Yes.

Subu's reply to oberkc # 3 : probably I haven't used it well to understand the directory structure. I could just locate the file. But not the directory tree. Thanks for the tip. Let me try again

I think you answered the question yourself regarding the use of different programs for a given file. Yes, I find some apps better for viewing than for editing, and vice versa.

Subu's reply to oberkc # 4 : Yes and also what I've mentioned in # 1 and # 2 above

Yes, it appears there are ways to move files from device to iPad. I just find it a bit more difficult than I believe it should be. Even more so if you are trying to share files from a computer that has not been properly configured.

For example...if I have a sister-in-law from whom I would like to get a copy of a document. She has a laptop. I have an iPad. Flash card? USB drive? USB cable? CD? No to all these options and any other that I can think of.

Subu's reply to oberkc # 5 : Lol !! For me file management was one of the starting troubles ... well it continues !! :-)

I am finding similar problems with setting up iTunes on my own second machine.

It seems that the iPad wants to maintain a monogamous relationship with my desktop computer. If I try to sync, with iTunes, on my second computer (laptop), I get messages warning of data and app loss.

Thankfully I haven't reached there as yet .... but well well ... who knows, I may actually buy a second ..thinner Laptop !

Admitedly, there may be ways around these things that I have yet to discover. I just find, for my needs and interests, the iPad to be at a very real disadvantage in the area of file management.

File management .....and .....
Sufficient number of USB Drives
Inability to use the 1000s of tested open source software
No Adobe flash ...
Other challenges I started this thread with
....... ........ ....... ........
I stop here because my idea is not to hurt Apple fans here ; Everyone has been so friendly and helpful here

Hi folks

Thanks to all who helped, I've downloaded drop box. I've uploaded or saved a PDF file (opened originally on safari) on dropbox.
I can read the file using drop box ... Both while online and offline

So the next question ... *How do I rename the file?* like a typical file on Teheran web this has some name like tk-assfgj.PDF , I wish to give it a more meaningful name based on it's contents

..and ... If I have saved this file to a folder in the drop box app does that file count for the 2gb space limit ?

How do I move the file from the dropp box app to my iPad (ie free space on the drop box )

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Just get goodreader. The iPad dropbox app is useless in my opinion.

Sent from my huge iPod touch via IPF.
ipad.subu said:
On this instapaper note above

Should I send each of my files as links to Instapaper and then open each of them at least once when connected to the net and *then* they are available offline ...

right ?

Is that what you are saying ? or am I miss understanding you ?
Oh I think you misunderstood the utility of Instapaper. Instapaper is only a webpage "clipper", for lack of a better word. And once you read the clipping in Instapaper, then that web clipping will vanish, because it assumes you've read it and no longer need it. Just like discarding the physical newspaper once you've read it. You can follow the Instapaper instructions to save webpages for offline reading later.

For saving files and the like, then you will need to follow the instructions/workflow for Goodreader and Dropbox.

Hope this helps!
Rog said:

I just read microsoft's office 365 works on iOS devices.

This may prove to help with your 100's of excel files on the iPad.

I haven't researched it yet but it sounds right up your alley.

Sent from my huge iPod touch via IPF.

Office 365 link below.


Thanks for remembering and following up

Is've started using google docs...

Still the possibility / idea of some geek or peek or 17 year old reading my sp. Sheets on the web isn't very comforting to me !!!


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