Good morning or afternoon. Its been a busy couple of years so sorry for the belated intro. I'm a young "old fart" who retired way back in '97 from the daily grind. Originally an old country boy who when off to the big city to work in the financial world for 38 years and then return to the farm. Yes, I now live on a farm in Missouri and loving it. As I said earlier, its been a busy last couple of years. In late summer of 2011 went in to my Doc for check up. They did a full work up and stress test. Learned I had a "blockage" and schedule an "out patient" operation to install a stent. No stent. When they went to do the stent learned I had five (5) blockages. So in October 2011 had by-pass surgery. Thank GOD, I have had a complete recovery from what the Doc said "was a heart attack waiting for a place to happen". During the rehab process and resting up from the visit to the operating room I decided that I should purchase a "new toy". That "new toy" was an iPad. Its been a learning process with me using and learning the capabilities of this technical marvel of the 21st century. I am not new to computers as I have seen them come a long way from when I first had experience with them on my job back in 1969. Yes, way back before many of you or maybe even your parents were born. Back then our contact with the "brains", which were at our home office was a keyboard much like an IBM electric typewriter. We typed in and it typed back. No screen. They did not come into the office until the 1980s. I am retired from a small company you may have heard of.....Wells Fargo. I retired as a manager of one of their financial offices. Computers are only one of my many interest. Other interest, hobbies, etc are gardening, woodworking, beekeeping, photography, genealogy, reading, and just living. Also working on my "Bucket list".
After reading over this before I post some of you might wonder, "just how old is he?". Tomorrow I will celebrate being on this earth for 76 years.
Regards, and be good to yourself,
After reading over this before I post some of you might wonder, "just how old is he?". Tomorrow I will celebrate being on this earth for 76 years.
Regards, and be good to yourself,