iPF Noob
I told my friend in china to get an I pad 2 for me and I would come to see him several months later.
Ok he did ( a genuine one for sure). He of course used it for the several months, he then dropped it of in hong kong and I picked it up
Guess what everything is in Chinese
and I don't have a clue on Chinese. I of course """ Fiddled"""around
To try to do stuff "settings" but now I am in a worse quandary.
Apart from taking it to an apple store for help ( I have the original receipt) from him
How to get it back to english
I might have to call him in china to find his Password and log on name to the I store
Any suggestions appreciated so can give my I pad one to my kid so I can get Cthulhu with the I pad two
Ok he did ( a genuine one for sure). He of course used it for the several months, he then dropped it of in hong kong and I picked it up
Guess what everything is in Chinese

To try to do stuff "settings" but now I am in a worse quandary.
Apart from taking it to an apple store for help ( I have the original receipt) from him
How to get it back to english
I might have to call him in china to find his Password and log on name to the I store
Any suggestions appreciated so can give my I pad one to my kid so I can get Cthulhu with the I pad two