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Sold I-Pad 2-Procedure For New Owner ??


iPF Noob
I sld my I-Pad 2 to a friend(Got I-Pad 3 myself). Now, I need to rell him what to do:

1. I erased all data from my I-Pad 2-hit reset on menu(had it regiistered in my name and device data on I-Tune Stor).
2. What should my friend now do ?

-Connect my old I-Pad 2 to his USB and let it synch up with I-Tunes store ?
-Then does he select "new account(user) and then just proceed registering it it to himself and then downloading OS 5.1 and basic Apps ?
-Will it recognize my old IPad 2 as ME and stop the process ? Or even worse, start to download ALL MY OLD APPS and DATA ?

I want hi him to have an easy experience getting started with my old device(actually like new-only 6 months old0.-
Please advise as to steps he should follow.

Thanks a lot.
Added Q: Do I "de-register" my sold I-Pad 2 feom the I-Tunes site before giving it to my friend(in addition to resetting it and erasing all data on it) ?

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