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Transferring music from i Pod to i pad 2


iPF Novice
So ..... I looked for a forum or thread to post this and although my Question is more of an i pod issue it does involve using my i pad 2 .
My apologies if i am In the wrong
forum , and perhaps Sci Fan can move this post to the right forum .

So I was curious if ....Can I transfer music from my i pod to down load to my i Pad using a wifi only. I was thinking perhaps its possible without syncing with iTunes using a computer and Usb cable.Just a wifi only . What brought this Question to mind was if its possible to do with an app why not a song or music. In the settings menu >I tunes/ App Store > automatic downloads , when you enable this it will download app purchases on one I device to another I device using wifi only .So is it possible that this can be done with ..... I pod ....to I pad 2 or for that matter I pod to I phone . I simply do not know and have tried
the limited ideas I had but to no avail. Thanks and your input is greatly appreciated .
Hey Manimal - if Johanna's link is not what you want to do nor will work for you, then please provide some more information: 1) What model iPod do you own (and if running iOS, which version); 2) What music (i.e. format, such as MP3) is on the iPod and is this purchased music (e.g. iTunes, Amazon, or other site), ripped music transferred to the iPod, and/or other sources; 3) Is your music collection also on a computer in an iTunes library, if so what kind of computer (PC vs. Mac); and 4) Why do you need to use Wi-Fi only (assume lack of a regular computer w/ iTunes) - answers to these questions may help us to better understand your needs.

BTW, I have over 100 hrs. of MP3 music on an old iPod Touch (2G - stuck on iOS 4.2.1) - all was transferred from my iTunes library on a MBPro (and older PC) cabled using playlists - so, the type of iPod you own and the operating system may impact on your options - at the moment, I'm not sure that I could get that music off the OLD iPod via Wi-Fi w/o using one of Apple's options? Dave :)
Hey Manimal - if Johanna's link is not what you want to do nor will work for you,
Hey Manimal - if Johanna's link is not what you want to do nor will work for you, then please provide some more information: 1) What model iPod do you own (and if running iOS, which version); 2) What music (i.e. format, such as MP3) is on the iPod and is this purchased music (e.g. iTunes, Amazon, or other site), ripped music transferred to the iPod, and/or other sources; 3) Is your music collection also on a computer in an iTunes library, if so what kind of computer (PC vs. Mac); and 4) Why do you need to use Wi-Fi only (assume lack of a regular computer w/ iTunes) - answers to these questions may help us to better understand your needs.

BTW, I have over 100 hrs. of MP3 music on an old iPod Touch (2G - stuck on iOS 4.2.1) - all was transferred from my iTunes library on a MBPro (and older PC) cabled using playlists - so, the type of iPod you own and the operating system may impact on your options - at the moment, I'm not sure that I could get that music off the OLD iPod via Wi-Fi w/o using one of Apple's options? Dave :)

then please provide some more information: 1) What model iPod do you own (and if running iOS, which version); 2) What music (i.e. format, such as MP3) is on the iPod and is this purchased music (e.g. iTunes, Amazon, or other site), ripped music transferred to the iPod, and/or other sources; 3) Is your music collection also on a computer in an iTunes library, if so what kind of computer (PC vs. Mac); and 4) Why do you need to use Wi-Fi only (assume lack of a regular computer w/ iTunes) - answers to these questions may help us to better understand your needs.

BTW, I have over 100 hrs. of MP3 music on an old iPod Touch (2G - stuck on iOS 4.2.1) - all was transferred from my iTunes library on a MBPro (and older PC) cabled using playlists - so, the type of iPod you own and the operating system may impact on your options - at the moment, I'm not sure that I could get that music off the OLD iPod via Wi-Fi w/o using one of Apple's options? Dave :)
So Hi Dave thank you for you reply and appreciate your time that is taken
to help me and others that you so often apply your time spent in just that ............,thank you for myself and I also am thanking you for others
who may not have.

So. sorry that my thread is vague
and lacking the most important info that is needed . I usually almost always include some numbers ,models, or makes and was simply being lazy this time . Your right.
So .......Dave I Have over 1,609 songs on this I pod and paid 99c for most of them back when Apple first started the 99c bargains or specials they would offer if the song like an app didn't sale at regular price.....a long time ago.
So my iPod model #MB739LL
THE version is 1.0.4and I just now noticed the letters P.C. After the version number.
So here is what it looks like1.0.4PC


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Do you sync your iPod with a Windows computer? The PC after the software version number could mean it's the Windows version. If you connected that iPod to a Mac and restored it, it would convert the iPod to Mac format.
You can use iTunes Match or Apple Music to get your songs to all of your devices.
iCloud Music Library: Understanding differences between Apple Music and iTunes Match - Apple Support
Hi my Austrian friend from ......well that ain't right
Hi my friend from Austria. How are you? Saaaaaayyy thanks for your reply to my thread and will ultimately have to use your input as I'm learning More about my Querie . JA the one thing i do not like is you have to become 9$ and some change member and subscribe to all the news , information , upcoming events, blah blah blah for the full year. Will have to do any way probably. But wait! These come in the form of email .yay! Perfect. 116 relentless always on time emails to my once was 115 every other day .huhuhaha
Just trying to make you smile or laugh .
Thank you for this and I love your eagerness that only adds you your integrity that i respect .
If you hear about or find a way to do let me know and you can get my e address on my about page . I am going to wait another month before I use I tunes in I cloud . The idea is to
Transfer songs bypassing I tunes . Ihave over 1600 songs on I pod and am almost to my memory.
Thanks JA .....( I'm not sure how or where the thanks icon is to use as the proper way from the forum )
So. sorry that my thread is vague
and lacking the most important info that is needed . I usually almost always include some numbers ,models, or makes and was simply being lazy this time . Your right.

So .......Dave I Have over 1,609 songs on this I pod and paid 99c for most of them back when Apple first started the 99c bargains or specials they would offer if the song like an app didn't sale at regular price.....a long time ago.
So my iPod model #MB739LL
THE version is 1.0.4and I just now noticed the letters P.C. After the version number.
So here is what it looks like1.0.4PC

Hi again - thanks for the information - you own the iPod Nano, 5th G from 2009 (shown below) - not sure if you have the 8 or 16 GB model? Wi-Fi is not an option, i.e. seems to be just a cabled choice - is that how you got your music onto the device w/ the dock connector? I'm assuming that most if not all of this music are 128 kbps AAC files (from the link provided).

My first suggestion since you bought this music from Apple iTunes is to simply go to iTunes on your iPad and look at the purchased tab (lower right corner) - you should be able to simply download this music to your iOS device - let us know if that works for you. Dave :)
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Do you sync your iPod with a Windows computer? The PC after the software version number could mean it's the Windows version. If you connected that iPod to a Mac and restored it, it would convert the iPod to Mac format.
Hey man ..... First thank you for your reply and the info and as soon as I figure out this new forums skin , I will come back and send the Forums thank you icon .
Yes.......Sci I did use Windows to sync with iTunes and was a longtime ago .My problem is my P. C. (Dell Inspiron ) is ka put ....dead as a door nail. And it's not a money issue to purchase another one
I was waiting on the new mac for 2017 to I think ? Anyway it seems to me that there should be a way to do the transfer and by pass iTunes.
Basically all that I tunes is doing is holding it in cloud . I have over 1600 song files and almost maxed and if I could down load to iPad then I could back them up or upload them to one of several my paid or bought apps more storage I have purchased .i am hesitant slightly to give more time for something to come up that is capable of doing what shouldn't be a difficult task to begin with
so.. Thanks and your input is always given considered thought as a first option....later on
Do you sync your iPod with a Windows computer? The PC after the software version number could mean it's the Windows version. If you connected that iPod to a Mac and restored it, it would convert the iPod to Mac format.
Do you sync your iPod with a Windows computer? The PC after the software version number could mean it's the Windows version. If you connected that iPod to a Mac and restored it, it would convert the iPod to Mac format.
Do you sync your iPod with a Windows computer? The PC after the software version number could mean it's the Windows version. If you connected that iPod to a Mac and restored it, it would convert the iPod to Mac format.
With iTunes, I believe it can easily be done. But just make sure your file are supported by iPad 2, if your files are mkv, mov, or other formats, use a video tool to make them iPad compatible files.
Hi there Nepheler,
Say......what an interesting name . And with no disrespect I must take a hypothetical educated guess at origin of .
And with all respect I am simply curious without the help of
the ORACLE OF KNOWS all things MR.GOOGLE .!And if I'm wrong as I am on many things , i have the choice of being
humble or cocky , I will opt for cocky because there will always be time to be a little embarrassed, and a lot of humble as I whill be proven irrevocably wrong ! Huhuhaha ....2 chances
1 ) I read many many years ago (40 yrs. dang ). About the
Fleece of the ram how it saved Nephele children . I remember
very well about it and the reason why is because I never finished it
And is a black mark on my integrity as an incomplete . Now understand I never do this and why I mentioned .
I was only 13 or maybe 14 at the time I chose to read . It was so complex form me that I was losing my mind. So I either I take the black mark as a personal incomplete which I hate or beat my skull in with forced understanding.. ..... Ironically as many things are favored as my 2 was either a real name and is of India and like the story of Nephele,,the Delphinians were a big part of story......or a really
bright Persons nickname that was accredited by others for an outstanding discovery in computers or science of . Sorta like
a movie I saw and perhaps you may know the title of movie,
but in the movie really smart guys name was NAPSTER . ANY way I am rambling and being my usual prolific self . Sorry .

Back to the topic , I did successfully upload almost all 1200 + songs -40 or so not bad at all . Actually great to my devices I cloud . And you are right the formatting is huge factor . It took a long while but we are looking at 1200 medium + size files . The main reason for my interest in replying back is to say thank you Nepheler, and thank you Giardman , also thank you Ski,Monkey,and of course the very polite and wonderful friend fromAustria , whom is so polite,JA.
Yall are really an admired group, praises from me .

A. G.

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