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iPF Noob
Hey guys 1st post here:
Would like to the following about jail breaking 4.2.1:
1. Does jail breaking 4.2.1 16gb model include wireless access to the web, without connecting to a hotspot?
2. How do I jailbreak a 4.2.1 iPad.
3. Benefits of

Thanks guys
Welcome to iPad forums!

-Answer to your first question, yes you can connect to the web but you need wifi. If you have the 3G model then you can still go anywhere and use the web just like you do now.

-Answer to your second question, download redsnow and jailbreak with that. BUT, I do not recommend jailbreaking now if you don't have your computer handy whenever you run out of battery or need to reboot. The jailbreak now is tethered, meaning you have to have a computer with redsnow to boot your iPad otherwise it will just sit there with an apple logo. Not very good to go on vacation with.

-Answer to your third question, MANY benefits. You can customize springboard, (where you open apps, or the main screen) and make your iPad do many things apple doesn't want it to do. There are also many free games on Cydia. (the "app store" that you get if you jailbreak with the stuff you need to customize and get free games is called Cydia) there is supposed to be an un-tethered jailbreak coming soon but we will see...
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Hello guys!

I'm new to IPad too (and this is also my first post in the forum) and I'm loving working with it but, of course, I would like to "open the doors" to more funcionalities of IPad using a Jailbreak.

I've seen many other websites/forums about this matter and some say that is worth it to use the tethered Jailbreak (despite some bug reports), some say to wait for a new untethered Jailbreak.

In my point of view and assuming that this new untethered jailbreak will be released tomorrow (December 30th), I think that is better to wait, mainly because I don't know if we can install directly the new untethered jailbreak over the tethered one.
Ive been looking, I read about a few different jailbreaks which is the best one for Ipad 4.2.1?

and let me get this straight, once this new jailbreak is relased your ipad will be connected all the time to the internet?

is there a time frame for this jailbreak?

Thanks everyone!
Ive been looking, I read about a few different jailbreaks which is the best one for Ipad 4.2.1?

and let me get this straight, once this new jailbreak is relased your ipad will be connected all the time to the internet?

is there a time frame for this jailbreak?

Thanks everyone!

Jaibreaking has nothing to do with you being connected to the internet. You will still connect like you always do, either through a wifi or 3G network.

Jailbreaking simply allows you to install apps that are not signed by Apple. This allows you to run things like emulators that Apple doesn't allow, OS extensions, etc.

There is never a time frame for any jailbreak other than "when it is ready".
I've never jail broke my iPad before....I read a lot out there on Cydia n reds0w and greenposion and another I think..which one is the best and which one is the safest???

Also I saw some videos on the actual procedure.....is there a jailbreak that I can do by just using my Internet on the iPad.

Again I'm using 4.2.1 16 gb model

Thanks everyone
I've never jail broke my iPad before....I read a lot out there on Cydia n reds0w and greenposion and another I think..which one is the best and which one is the safest???

Also I saw some videos on the actual procedure.....is there a jailbreak that I can do by just using my Internet on the iPad.

Again I'm using 4.2.1 16 gb model

Thanks everyone

Your only option for 4.2.1 today is redsn0w, and no, you cannot do it over the "Internet". The general public release for redsn0w is a tethered jailbreak, but an untethered version is expected "soon". Read the dev-team blog in detail before you download redsn0w to decide if it is the right thing for you...
thanks for the input....do you know more or less when the new redsn0w jailbreak will be released...like in Jan...Feb...MArch? haha

also, is there any chance of me ruining my ipad/bricking because I never jailbroke anything before...

thanks for the input....do you know more or less when the new redsn0w jailbreak will be released...like in Jan...Feb...MArch? haha

also, is there any chance of me ruining my ipad/bricking because I never jailbroke anything before...


You cannot brick an iPad by jail breaking. Worst case you will just have to restore to a stock iOS install.
"soon" is as accurate as you'll get from me for timelines. Could be today, could be next year...
ok, just thought of this, what about a jailbreak that includes flash? huh =) is that possible?

Right now there is development of flash on Cydia called frash. It doesn't work on 4.2.1 though. Just a few flash things worked with frash on 3.2.2 but not on 4.2.1. Sorry, for now, no flash on iPad even if you jailbreak.

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