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iPF Noob
Jun 24, 2010
Reaction score
Grimsby, UK
Hey all. Just thought Id introduce myself (will probably be on her quite a lot, especially the next couple of weeks!).

Im Chris, 30, from Grimsby in the UK. Ordered an iPad earlier in the week as a birthday present for myself.

Unfortunately, I now have an agonising 2 week wait for it to be delivered - its taken me the past 3 weeks of nagging my wife to get one, and she has finally given in. I admire her resolve, because when I nag, I NAG. My nanna couldnt nag as well as I do.

So she gave in, and since then I have got loads of apps ready, and will be converting a load of dvds over the following week or two. I have spent hours looking at accessories (I will definitely need a case - it was the first thing I got for my touch as well as a screen protector - I hate fingerprints on my devices!). I think finding this forum will help ease the wait, as at least Ill have something to keep me occupied. Marginally!


Anyway, thats me!

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