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Newbie and warning about non-Apple iPad Dock to HDMI AV adapters


iPF Noob
Hi, I am retired and live in the country after a long career in sales and customer services in the IT services industry. In what spare time I have I design small company web sites, mainly for kicks, using Adobe Dreameaver. I enjoy the creativity, and I am intrested in all web design code and gadgets that improve the visibilty of web functionality within the Apple environment. I am particularly frustrated with Apple's decision not to support Adobe Flashplayer.
I also have an iPad2 which I use slavishly!
By way of my introductory contribution to this forum, I want to relate my experience wih a non-Apple iPad dock to HDMI AV adapter, which I used predominently to watch streamed iPlayer TV content via the iPlayer app on my ipad to my TV. I bought the adapter from a reputable supplier on eBay for about two thirds of the cost of the Apple version. This accessory worked fine until I migrated from Ios5 to 5.1. Whenever I plugged the adapter into m iPad following the upgrade, a notice came up saying that this accessory was not compatible with my iPad. The supplier was reputable and was, to the best of my knowledge, totally unaware of this lack of forward compatibility. Apple support would not help either understandably because the adaptor was non-Apple. I am guessing that this adapter is marketed widely over the internet via many suppliers.
I ordered a new adapter from Apple which was delivered within 36 hours and works fine. I guess there is a moral in there somewhere but never mind.
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