Blowing Rock & Chetola Resort - Cancellation of a Bar Harbor, Maine Vacation!
Well, I was planning for my next travelogue to be about the Maine Coast, the resort town of Bar Harbor, and
Acadia National Park - planning to stay at the
Bar Harbor Inn for five nights (first four pics below of our potential vacation) - however, both of our airline flights were cancelled - they could only promise to get us to Bangor, Maine by midnight - we had a rental car and an hour+ drive to Bar Harbor - could have gone the next day but only 4 nights for that distance did not seem worth the effort so we cancelled - will have all of our airfare refunded.
SO, what to do - we were at the airport, retrieved our checked-in luggage, and did not want to go home - thus, my suggestion was to return to the NC mountains for 3 nights - rented a 2-BR condo at the Chetola Resort (subject of many posts in the history of this thread) in the Adirondacks building (some pics below w/ one of the living room/kitchen area) - so got onto HW 421, then the Blue Ridge Parkway (some pics below from one of the overlooks), and finally to our condo - felt like returning home.
Now we had been to Maine a number of times, including Bar Harbor - my 'main' interest in this trip was to eat lobster daily along w/ oysters and clams, so have missed that opportunity. Not a whole lot about Blowing Rock that I've not already covered, but will take a few pics and add some additional posts. Dave

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