iPad Fan
When spending several hundred dollars for a personal electronic device, you owe it to yourself to research the product thoroughly, to ensure it's what you really want.
OMG - not this again! :thumbsdown: This has been discussed (AND explained) to death! Forget Flash - it's a dead issue!
The OP mentioned the lack of Flash Player in his opening post. All I was doing was agreeing with him.
OMG - not this again! :thumbsdown: This has been discussed (AND explained) to death! Forget Flash - it's a dead issue!
To the OP - and for other potential purchasers reading this thread, please BEFORE buying an iPad, review the specifications of the device carefully - this is NOT a laptop computer, but will replace many of its needs BUT not all! The iPad complements your other computer needs and can substitute many of those functions (not ALL!) - figure out how to integrate the iPad into your life - as an example, I traveled w/ a laptop for years (mainly to check our email & the web on the road) - the iPad w/ the BT keyboard and local Wi-Fi has replaced my laptop for THOSE purposes (and is much easier to carry and check through an airport) - if you hate the iPad, then give it to your younger generation relatives; I'm sure that they will have a great time w/ the device -![]()
When spending several hundred dollars for a personal electronic device, you owe it to yourself to research the product thoroughly, to ensure it's what you really want.
Bob Maxey said:I just researched a report from a company called "Crittercism." Apparently, iOS is buggy and it crashes far more than our beloved Android. My research indicates that iOS is worse than Android. I found fifty plus pages of Google results telling me this is a fact. Do I believe it? The reports come from a company selling SDKs to alert Crittercism every time an application crashes, so how can one doubt the conclusion: if you want stability and fewer issues, go Android, not iOS.
From the many, many reports:
"Surprisingly, Crittercisms data (gathered from more than 214 million app launches between November and December of 2011) shows that apps on iOS crashed much more frequently than comparable apps on Android. Just take a look at that pie graph. Its easily dominated by iOS, covering nearly 75% of total crashes. Yup. I was just as blown away as you. Numbers dont lie."
I am all for research, but it is not always enough. Sometimes, you need to add a purchase to your research and then return the device if it does not do what you think it will do.
You're right. If the product doesn't perform as expected after researching it, get a refund.
As for numbers that don't lie, I'm unfamiliar with Crittercisms methodology so I won't throw a rock.
But my job is to analyze economic / financial data, and interpret it per a clients request. In 36 years I've never encountered data, private or public sector, that couldn't be manipulated to obtain a desired outcome. The canvass is blank. You paint the picture you want. I know because I do it. You can look at identical data from multiple angles and reach different conclusions. The final result is the one the client is paying for.
I do know this. My adult daughter has a Samsung Galaxy II and her Android apps crash or glitch with such frequency, I need to pick up some drywall for her place. My iPhone 4 (got it the week it launched) runs efficiently - and I experience few app crashes. My iPad 2, which I've owned since August, performs just as well. If find Safari browser a bit twitchy, but not objectionable. At least for my purposes.
OMG - not this again! :thumbsdown: This has been discussed (AND explained) to death! Forget Flash - it's a dead issue!
To the OP - and for other potential purchasers reading this thread, please BEFORE buying an iPad, review the specifications of the device carefully - this is NOT a laptop computer, but will replace many of its needs BUT not all! The iPad complements your other computer needs and can substitute many of those functions (not ALL!) - figure out how to integrate the iPad into your life - as an example, I traveled w/ a laptop for years (mainly to check our email & the web on the road) - the iPad w/ the BT keyboard and local Wi-Fi has replaced my laptop for THOSE purposes (and is much easier to carry and check through an airport) - if you hate the iPad, then give it to your younger generation relatives; I'm sure that they will have a great time w/ the device -![]()
If Flash is a dead issue why am I unable to view so many Flash-based websites?