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off line maps


iPF Noob
Hi I'm new to Ipad.

Is there was a way to get and study maps off line on my ipad or at least a way to save maps for reference offline.
I'm a tour bus driver and would like to review street level maps when I'm in a new city and can't connect to wi fi.

Thank You in advance

Yes - but it depends which country you're in. As you don't give your country, it's difficult to recommend any specific way to do this because most are country specific.

How about 'Australia Maps HD'? The maps and the app arn't free, though....


I saw some posts the other day on this and I did check a few out so I know they aren't free but I couldn't work out what countries they did.. Thanks Tim. I'll check it out
Hi Tim i'm in the united States for off line mapping. Also Galileo keeps comming on with a blank page and a note to check my interet connection even tho i'm connected to wi fi and safari works fine.

Ralph in Wisconsin
Have you been able to download any maps at all? Remember the maps are not free so you need a valid iTunes account to be able to download the maps.

thanks Tim
Yes I can get maps on "MAPS" APP but I was hoping to be able to save street level
detail for a whole city to reference off line,
So you should be able to download them using that app off-line, for sure. Maps for the iPad's Maps app are free and no iTunes account is required but for the other app you need a valid iTunes account (with sufficient credit!) to be able to purchase the maps.

Thanks Tim,
I've learned to bookmark a small section of a map but it's not much help because
  1. if i zoom to street level [where street names are listed], I don't get enough of the city for the map to be very useful.
  2. If I back out to cover a useful area, then the detail is insufficient.
I was hoping to to bookmark a whole city on line then later..when I'm off-line review the city at street level by dragging the map as required, much the same as when I'm on line.

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