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Ok, you do realize, New Device, SAME iOS!


iPF Novice
There are all these xxxx on iPad2 questions and it is really kinda funny how many people thing the hardware change is going to make the impossible possible.

Yes, there is a new iPad version out there, however it uses the same iOS as the exiting one. It is the iOS that controls how the user and apps interface with the hardware.

Instead of "iPad2, still no xxxx?" you should really be asking "iOS 4.3 (friday) still no xxxx?"
According to some benchmarks, ios4.3 will provide a substantial boost to performance, but anyone who thinks that word processing or web surfing or any other iPad task is processor intesive is kidding themselves, they must have drunk the coolaid. Do they know what they're buying, no it's just shiny and it's on the tv. Apples incremental upgrading sales techniques are nothing new, it's just annoying when everyone goes ape shit over minor CPU changes. It's basically the same device, with a webcam
Yep, webcam is why I'm buying (and why I held off on buying the first one). I don't care much about the extra power/speed as it was already fast for the simple apps I'd use on it.

I guess it helps with things like iMovie that maybe wouldn't run well on the original, but it seems like those kind of things are better done on a PC/Mac anyway.

A tablet to me is just for web surfing, reading, video calls, streaming video, simple games etc. Nothing that needs much processing power nor a full PC/Mac type OS etc. I would like a straight drag and drop file system though. That's my one big gripe with the iPad is it's too complicated getting stuff on and off it with having to use iTunes or Dropbox etc. vs. simply dragging and dropping folders like on a PC or thumb drive.
When you jailbreak it, install openssh and you will be able to drag and drop into your file system wirelessly to your hearts content
When you jailbreak it, install openssh and you will be able to drag and drop into your file system wirelessly to your hearts content

I'll have to look into that. I'm a bit hesitant about jailbreaking etc. as I'm not that tech savvy and worry about voiding warranties and that kind of stuff.

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