iPad Fan
Hi Scifan.. - I was on the History Channel Website today and saw the South Pole item - plenty of events happened today - just to mention a few others of interest to me:
Indy 'Brickyard' Completed Today in 1909!
This has come up in my travelogue to Indianapolis where my son lives - more details there for those interested - below just the first paragraph from HERE. Now I'm not a racing car fan (despite living in North Carolina) but when taking our son to Indiana University in Bloomington (early 1990s) we flew into Indianapolis and did some tourist stops including the Speedway - visited the museum and took a tour van around the track.
George Washington Died Today in 1799!
George Washington - Virginia farmer, Revolutionary War hero, and First President of the United States developed a respiratory infection after spending a day on his horse in bad weather on this Mt. Vernon Estate - he became ill and was 'bled' by his physicians - today's medicine would have easily cured him - he is buried w/ his wife, Martha, on the property (pic below) - I've been to Mt. Vernon many times but my last visit was special - a new museum has opened which is excellent - highly recommended for those in the area. Dave
Indy 'Brickyard' Completed Today in 1909!
This has come up in my travelogue to Indianapolis where my son lives - more details there for those interested - below just the first paragraph from HERE. Now I'm not a racing car fan (despite living in North Carolina) but when taking our son to Indiana University in Bloomington (early 1990s) we flew into Indianapolis and did some tourist stops including the Speedway - visited the museum and took a tour van around the track.
.On this day in 1909, workers place the last of the 3.2 million 10-pound bricks that pave the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Speedway, Indiana (a town surrounded by the city of Indianapolis). Since then, most of that brick has been buried under asphalt, but one yard remains exposed at the start-finish line. Kissing those bricks after a successful race remains a tradition among Indy drivers.
George Washington Died Today in 1799!
George Washington - Virginia farmer, Revolutionary War hero, and First President of the United States developed a respiratory infection after spending a day on his horse in bad weather on this Mt. Vernon Estate - he became ill and was 'bled' by his physicians - today's medicine would have easily cured him - he is buried w/ his wife, Martha, on the property (pic below) - I've been to Mt. Vernon many times but my last visit was special - a new museum has opened which is excellent - highly recommended for those in the area. Dave

.George Washington, the American revolutionary leader and first president of the United States, dies of acute laryngitis at his estate in Mount Vernon, Virginia. He was 67 years old. In 1797, he finally began a long-awaited retirement at his estate in Virginia. He died two years later. His friend Henry Lee provided a famous eulogy for the father of the United States: “First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.” (Source)