mrsburney83 said:I downloaded the app Friday night and was able to log in yesterday night. I had to wait for my account to be created on the back end. The interface is nice and to me is more touch and user friendly than CloudOn. What makes me continue to use CloudOn is the fact that you can't email documents from OnLive. You save and have to use your PC or Mac to email the document. Tome that defeats the purpose of it being offered and used on the IPad. I hope they make adjustments soon.
Valkrider said:What's really annoying is that I registered and told them I was in Spain. A few days later I get an email telling me I can download and use the app as I have been granted a free account, Great. No definitely not seems their allocation software ignores country of registration and so the app is only available to US users still.
The waiting continues.
beavery said:I live in Australia, but have an US account. I've downloaded and registered, but it says my Internet connection is too slow?! It is the fastest wireless connection I have available to me at 24000kbps what speed are they looking for?
WilleyWinter said:Good Grief. That sounds good. I wonder how long we will have to wait "Down Under" in Australia
Gtatler said:Try setting up an American iTunes store account - the app is available there. This goes for anyone in the world.
Just follow the instructions how to make a US account, it works fine I'm in the UK and I downloaded onlive and cloudon
Valkrider said:What instructions where?
leelai said:To open a US account you will need a US iTunes card which you can purchase on the net and as you only need the number on it, this can be emailed to you. You will need to create another email address, I suggest a gmail account. I have heard others have used an Apple store location for the address. Have a look here for more info:-
Let's us know if you need more help.
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