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os 5 release date?

What's more interesting that over the air is delta updates. No more having to download a huge update for several hours on a slow connection. iOS 5 updates will be as small as several hundred bytes to patch a security hole or add new functionality.

You can expect to see delta updates for Apps as well soon.

What's more interesting that over the air is delta updates. No more having to download a huge update for several hours on a slow connection. iOS 5 updates will be as small as several hundred bytes to patch a security hole or add new functionality.

You can expect to see delta updates for Apps as well soon.


Hmm...and this will definately make a jailbreak far more easily "patched" by apple. More work for the developers of JB.
daffie said:
Hmm...and this will definately make a jailbreak far more easily "patched" by apple. More work for the developers of JB.

I don't have any jail broken devices, but reading through the list of improvements coming with iOs 5 it looks like Apple is making a lot of potential available that has hitherto only been available to the "underworld".

I don't think Apple will stifle the JB world too much. It looks like a breeding ground for ideas that would cost Apple's R&D department a small fortune.

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Apple doesn't really care about jail breakers. It cares about plugging the holes in the OS that are exploited by the jb community, as all of these potentially destabilize the OS and open the platform to malware.

Their lack of assistance to the development community to stop piracy is the greatest proof of this.

thewitt said:
Their lack of assistance to the development community to stop piracy is the greatest proof of this.


Didn't know piracy was much of an issue. According to CNET it's huge. In keeping with the rules I won't provide the link, but CNET are running a story on app piracy.

So maybe being able to patch iOs 5 OTA will have benefits to developers, as mentioned by an earlier poster, especially if updates are automatic and effectively compulsory.

This begs the question: How many people JB their devices merely to customize them, and how many to circumvent the App Store? I'm not fool enough to ask for a poll on the subject.

IMHO, apps offer extremely good value for money, so I couldn't be bothered with pirated versions with potential dubious content; malware and the like.
And on that note I think it would be wise to move back on topic......anyone remember the topic? iOS 5 release date......

The Archangel
I'm guessing early October, hopefully the 10th as it's Thanksgiving and I'll be at home and able to d/l it right away.

OTA will be a godsend for people like me who work away from home and don't get to a computer too often.
So excited for iOS 5. Apparently it's coming out with the release of the iPhone 5. I feel like that's going to get delayed again though. If that's the case, I hope they still release iOS 5 ^^
iOS 5 must be getting close. Apple changed their web page. It no longer says coming in fall until you click on either iCloud or iOS 5 and then just a little banner in the corner. Take a look and do you think I am just getting crazy for iOS 5 to be available.
I am no so excited for 5!!!!!! I just checked it out and I am amazed with what I am going to be able to do!!!! My husband doesn't normally update his phone until he tries to get an app that requires the newer version......I think he might update as soon as 5 is released!!

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