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Otterbox defender


iPF Noob
Hey everybody,

I've been a huge otter box fan for a long time now... Mainly due to the awesome customer service they provide. I am thinking about picking up an otter box defender for my iPad this upcoming Friday.

Is there anyone here who has one that can share their thoughts about the case with me?

I'm definitely not gonna pay full price for one, I've found a place where i can get them for around 50.00
The case is amazing.

The screen protector is not built in.
Some have had problems with placing the plastic screen protector on (experiencing bubbles) - I took my time and cleaned the screen used can air as well as the micro fiber cloth that comes with the defender. No bubbles ever - didnt even have to let it sit over night. Watch a video from Google about placing screen protector on. There instructions on the box are vague.

It adds weight - doesn't bother me

Stand only works in landscape mode - fine with me also

There is a small snap in piece that has to be removed to charge or dock the unit - there is no silicone plug for the charging port - because then you could not use it on the docking station.

People say it attracts - lint, hair, etc - Maybe a little not bad

If you use a ZAGGInvisibleShield instead of the supplied screen protector - people have had problems removing it from the case - once again watch a video on Google - its simple.

Thats my quick review


p.s. any questions ask away.
I got one. My bro got it for me. Already had an anti-glare screen protector on so didn't need the one that came with. I must say it's a very durable case, but it's heavy. Feels almost like I'm holding 2 iPads. Plus I got tennis elbow so that doesn't help. Detachable cover has a built in stand that works ok, but I kinda don't like having to keep detaching the cover, but plus side is it snaps on the front or back of the case. Overall good product, if you don't mind the heft.

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