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Password problems with yahoo mail on iPad 3


iPF Noob
I very often get messages on my iPad that says the yahoo mail password is incorrect - and when I go to Settings sure enough that's correct - but I can reset it and go right back to settings and it is changed again - I have never had a password problem using yahoo mail in a browser.

I contacted Apple - they had me do a reset, but that has not fixed the problem.
Yahoo is notorious for this. It usually goes away on it's own after a bit.

The servers used for webmail and to connect an email client (like the iPad) are different. It is perfectly possible for one to work and not the other.

Occasionally it is necessary to delete the Yahoo account off the iPad and add it again. Give this a try if it persists for more than 24 hours (or if you're really impatient). Hold in mind if they are having problems with authentication you won't be able to re-add the iPad until they fix whatever is happening.

If you are syncing Contacts or Calendars, choose to delete them from the iPad when it prompts; otherwise you risk duplication when you add the account again.
Thanks - I have tried that at the suggestion of the Apple support guy - problem persists - it's really more of an annoyance than anything else but it still bugs me......
You can try changing your Yahoo password online; then deleting and re-adding the account on the iPad.

That's the last thing I can think of, other than diving into the realm of Yahoo's tech support, who may not be very helpful with the iPad.
I had this problem with my Yahoo account and it was resolved with changing the password. The old password was considered less than stellar security, and I went to one that had a higher level of difficulty.
Thanks, twerppoet and season - I will give this a try - my password is pretty secure, but who knows - will post in a week or so if this seems to fix the problem (as it crops up that often).
Their rocketmail servers are currently foobar

I spoke with a support person earlier today. They expect to be back by the end of the day.
Having this problems on my i-phone also, have reset my password online, have deleted and recreated my mail account, put in new password, fine then go back intio account settings and it has reverted back to old password .............................getting really fed up now will it fix itself ? can receive but not send emails at the moment
I too just started to have this issue. I can nit get my Yahoo emial on my ipad 2 or my iphone. Oddly i can still send email. I went to the apple store yesterday, they tried, no help. I have re loaded my entire iphone os, and still no help. Any ideas?
I also have been having same issues with ipad and iphone since Wednesday. My phone also auto sincs with my car and yesterday it didnt do that either. Has anyone found a resolution or heard from Yahoo if the problem is being fixed?
Well, I did change my password on yahoo and then deleted and reestablished my acct on my iPad and I have not had the problem lately - not sure Apple folks can do much but it is pretty annoying.
Try deleting the account, and re-add but this time use Others instead of Yahoo. Then set up using POP, enter pop.mail.yahoo.com in incoming server, smtp.mail.yahoo.com for outgoing server. Enter your complete email address (with @yahoo/ymail.com), type your yahoo password, in both incoming and outgoing server setting and voila..
I had no end of problems like this on my PC, via Outlook Express, with my Yahoo mail account. Unfortunately, I do not have a solution but I do not use my Yahoo account any more, certainly not on my iPad. I now use Google and have no problem whatsoever. Definitely a Yahoo issue.

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