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PC Networking - Windows access to Filesystem

For sure: And any application like iFunbox, diskAid etc. needs iTunes for those drivers. So in fact, there is no way to transfer files without our "beloved" iTunes, am I right?

Exactly! Although you don't have to use it or have it open to run those programs - AFAIK it must be installed on the computer you are using. As you said - it's iTunes that actually recognizes the iPad (and provides the drivers to the computer). Those 3d-party programs just hook into that.

Is there some alternative way to show the device as native network drive?

I don't use this tweak any more as I now use a program called iFunBox that I've installed on my Windows 7 PC. See my post above (#27) for a description about that.

So, yes, there are programs you can use on your PC to access the iPad, two of which I know of are iFunBox and iExplorer. You could also install OpenSSH from Cydia (don't forget to change the iPad's password) and then use programs to wirelessly access the iPad such as PuTTY and WinSCP (for Windows PCs) or Cyberduck (Mac computers).


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