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PC Networking - Windows access to Filesystem

It's available in Cydia (the store for jail broken iPads).

It's not in the App Store and if you're not jail broken, you can't get it from Cydia (or run it, for that matter). AFAIK, it'll work on jailbroke iPad1s and 2s...

I had installed and it worked! Very happy! :D

But anyone know where is this "storage" located in iPad browse from iFile? I know where is the Camera..
Hi all,

I just wanted to advise you, if you are thinking of forking out the £5 for the full app, DON'T! I bought it 6 weeks ago, and had to get my device replaced... now the Dev is refusing to issue me a replacement licence, and is insisting that the only way I can get the full app again is to pay the £5 again. §moderator removed language§. Absolute rip off.

I'd stay away from paying for any of this dev's software.... you'll end up regretting it!
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Hi, I'm an iPad newbie and have just jail broken my iPad3 with absinthe 2.04. All well so far. Have installed pc networking and it is enabled in settings. It has the username iPad and an 8 character password already in. Is this a default password and what is it? I did not assign it, and this iPad is correctly named in a Linux samba network I have but I cannot connect as I don't know the password. Any help much appreciated
As far as I remember, that password there in Settings is a space filler when you first load PC Networking. You can change it in the iPad Settings app to be whatever you wish. Then, reboot the iPad and that should now be the password you will use to access the iPad from your computer.

Hope that helps.

Thanks Marilyn. I should have seen the flashing cursor in the password box in settings. Doh! All connected. However, while I can write to the storage file on my winxp box and it is there in storage on the iPad, I can only read from the iPad camera folder and not write to it. Is that normal? Was hoping to be able to copy photos to the iPad on pc networking. Interestingly, on the computer, folders in both storage and camera are marked 'read only' and can't be changed. Thanks for your help.
Thanks Marilyn. I should have seen the flashing cursor in the password box in settings. Doh! All connected. However, while I can write to the storage file on my winxp box and it is there in storage on the iPad, I can only read from the iPad camera folder and not write to it. Is that normal? Was hoping to be able to copy photos to the iPad on pc networking. Interestingly, on the computer, folders in both storage and camera are marked 'read only' and can't be changed. Thanks for your help.

Let me start off with this disclaimer: I'm not using PC Networking any longer (don't even have it on my iPad3). I've discovered iFunbox, which is a computer-based program to connect to the iPad via USB. It's just easier and faster to use (to me, YMMV). This tweak is still a great one, don't get me wrong. I've just stopped using it...

So, with that out of the way - maybe you have to buy the full package to get that type of access to put photos on the iPad? I don't remember having difficulties, but I bought the system access upgrade right away (hated not having that, so I got it right away).

Sorry, but that's about all I can think of to help. Maybe someone who is still using it can help you? I've about reached the end of my memory. Again, sorry.

I'm just curious, is there any tweak/app that allow me to connect my iPad to PC (Windows7) via USB and let me search root file system, but WITHOUT any extra software like iFunBox and iTunes installed? Just like PC Networking, but via USB.
Not that I am aware of. You can do the standard part that everyone can do - connect the iPad to the computer and use Windows Explorer to access the photos and videos folders. But that is all.

In order for your PC to be able to recognize the iPad as something "searchable" (without extra software), the iPad would have to install drivers on the PC. However, the iPad doesn't come with drivers, nor can you find anything. So, without the iPad "helping," there is no way your PC can detect the file system of the iPad. Hence the need for the external programs such as iFunbox.

For sure: And any application like iFunbox, diskAid etc. needs iTunes for those drivers. So in fact, there is no way to transfer files without our "beloved" iTunes, am I right?

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