OK, the pictures on the website have all been updated with the new ZAGGmate for iPad 2. Personally, I think the look is a little cleaner with a new font on the keys, improved power switch and pairing button, and lower sides to accomodate thinner iPad. I think people will appreciate the lower front edge that is the same height as the spacebar rather than being higher than the spacebar. Also, people really like the auto-on/ off feature and headphone cutout. Overall, we are very pleased with it.
On the downside, due to the overwhelming demand, we are about a week behind on being caught up on shipping all these out. For those people who ordered when the shipping date was April 8th, you'll be fine. Same goes for April 15th (In fact, you'll probably be pleasantly surprised). For those of you who saw March 31st as your shipping date, ZAGG will be sending you a free pair of ZAGGsmartbuds with your new ZAGGmate as a way of showing our appreciation for your patience. The details are shown below.
"To show our appreciation for your patience, we are including with your ZAGGmate order a free pair of our award-winning ZAGGsmartbuds ($49.99 retail value). ZAGGsmartbuds are multifunctional; including a microphone and in-line music control to easily switch between music and phone calls on almost all smartphones. ZAGGsmartbuds can be worn in a specific slider alignment called "Hangin' Tight," which keeps the buds around your neck, even when not in use. We hope you enjoy this free gift to you."
Thanks for your patience. Again, this gift is only being given to those who ordered while we were showing a shipping date of the 31st. You should have already received an email explaining this.