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[Personal] Review of ZAGGmate (Bluetooth Keyboard/Case)

ZAGG will continue to support all sales at ZAGG.com....Yeah! The new anodizing will help with scratches and we've beefed up the size and adhesive for the feet. Of course, aluminum still scratches but it will be better. I personally love the invisibleSHIELD look but that sounds self serving.

The iMac comment is odd though. We have an office full of iMacs and ZAGGmates and Apple's Bluetooth keyboards for the iMac and various Bluetooth headsets, etc and we've never experienced issues. I'd love to troubleshoot with you to see if there is a specific combination causing conflicts. I'll email you. Thanks.
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The ipad looks amazing with the zaggmate.. i think it can work as a PC .. these apple people are so amazing.. how could they get such idea///.. i believe it will prevent many scratches on the screen.. and also often visits to a ipad repair store..
ZAGG will continue to support all sales at ZAGG.com....Yeah! The new anodizing will help with scratches and we've beefed up the size and adhesive for the feet. Of course, aluminum still scratches but it will be better. I personally love the invisibleSHIELD look but that sounds self serving.

Soooo, my ZAGGmate for iPad 2 will be shipping shortly. Are you saying that the invisibleSHIELD (Full Body Easy Install) is what you recommend for the back of the ZAGGmate itself? I already skinned the back of my iPad 2 and used the ZAGG screen protector on the front. So, this might be right up my alley to prevent scratching but wanted to clarify with you before I spend more $.

FYI - I was just at Target and noticed that they had the ZaggMate (for iPad 1) discounted to $79.99! Not sure if it was just this store or what, but...
Hurray!! It's here!!! :D
The Logitech Keyboard Case by Zagg that is. It's beautiful. I have typed on it for a few minutes and it's only slightly smaller than my Dell netbook keyboard was. Not ideal, but fine for touch-typing. The combo with the iPad 2 will be so portable it's amazing.

Of course, my iPad 2 hasn't arrived yet. Aaargh!!!:mad:

Is the InvisibleShield available yet for this case. I could it getting pretty scratched up which would be a shame because it's gorgeous!
invisibleSHIELD for Logitech Keyboard Case by ZAGG will be available online starting tomorrow. Sorry for the delay.
Shipping notice says Zaggmate for Ipad2 scheduled to arrive on April 18. As luck would have it I'm en route Nigeria, home on the evening of the 18th so we'll get there at the same time!
I was just curious - from the pictures on the web, the iPad 2 seems to "lay back" at more of an angle than the iPad 1 did. It almost looks like it's laying back a little too far...

Mr. Zagg - was the viewing angle of the ipad 2 version changed at all? Or maybe the angle of the ZaggMate hinge is the same, but since the ipad 2 is so much thinner, that makes the actual viewing angle of the iPad 2 different?

I don't have an ipad 2 or a ZaggMate for iPad 2 - just looking at pictures - I maybe (and probably am) completely wrong here!
You are correct. We've looked at the angle and determined that a slightly more laid back angle is preferable to most users. It's only a few more degrees, so most won't notice, but we expect it will improve the overal user experience.
After using the apple wireless keyboard for iPad 1, have I now preordered the Zaggmate for iPad 2, as it seems to be the more complete packet and I am especially looking forward to the iPad unique keys, which oddly enough are not supported by Apple's own wireless keyboard.

The Zaggmate was ordered on 4/11, and so far an Order Confirmation email has arrived. However, on Zagg.com the item is listed as having a Pending Status and has no shipping date. Should I expect any changes, or does the shipping date only update on the 19th, when the pre-orders start shipping?

The order was paid from a UK account, if that makes any difference.
On Monday I paid a visit to my local at&t phone shop to check on a international data plan for when I go on a cruise in June,I had my iPad in my hand all nicely cased in my Zagg with the leather covers,while talking to the young lady she kept looking at my iPad,then she said is that an iPad?I said it sure is and its in my Zagg case. Long story short..she wants to buy one for her mothers birthday in May and she had not had one in her hand to evaluate one,so I let her play around with mine for a minute or two,of course she loved it and the Zagg case. It sold itself.

A few items of note:

You should be concerned about the back of the ZaggMate scratching. I lost my feet and after four months it really looks bad.

You can trust the status light to accurately inform you of the need to recharge. In five months of heavy use I've only recharged three times.


I have some little rubber semi circle feet, easily found at drug stores, home improvement stores, big box dept. stores, for if the super glue on the ones that came with mine ever wears out. found a neoprene sleeve on Amazon for $4 shipped I keep my setup in if I'm in a situation where i need to protect it from scratching.
I didn't charge mine out of the box for almost a month and that was just because I wasn't confident that it really had charge left though it was acting fine.
I've not seen many state it but I have found there is no uncomfortable,unstable placement this side of upside down, I even use the stand part, like I was going to type, for reading Kindle when laying on my side instead of holding it or using a pillow because it's the perfect angle for me. The keys can seem cramped if you have it on your lap and have a big belly like I do but acclimation only takes a very short time.
Fwiw, I also just for kicks used it with my desktop and Bluetooth dongle, just to see if it would work :)

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