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Photo album loss

Hi Peter

It’s always nice to hear from you.

As I said I have made a factory reset and then used the backup I had made after my upgrade to IOS 9.2 to recover my previous situation before the problems have started, what you have called my good backup…

Then I tried to sync back my photos using iTunes and had the problems I explained. I had to interrupt the sync because after a couple of hours nothing was happening anymore on the iPad, and the sync was not complete, the sync icon on the iPad had disappeared, although the iTunes was still referring that the sync operation was still going on… BTW It´s not the first time that something like that already happened to me on other occasions, with different versions of iTunes and IOS’s and other Apple equipment, it’s another type of glitch this SW has… and stopping and restarting always worked well, like now… Now that I had this problem I believe that I will be lucky enough not to have it again, otherwise I believe I already know how to fix it…and although I am always very busy, I am very patient on my own time and as an engineer I like to solve problems…

My wife uses the iPad for all kind of other things the machine can provide, but we have lots of pics, many more than the ones she has on the machine and she adores to have the ones she likes close to her, that’s why we decided to have so big memory on the machine, and the iPad has a very good resolution and she is able to quickly send copies to family and friends, we have a big family and lots of friends…

I am much happier now, I was sad for the problem and because my wife was sad to have lost her way to use the iPad.

I have to really thank you for your help and so kind support.

I understand you are from Australia, I am from Porto in Portugal, if you come to Europe and decide to come to Portugal I recommend that you visit Porto, that has been considered in the last couple of years the best kept secret in Europe, please send me a message and I will be delighted to show you around…

Regards Joao
Hi Joao.

I am pleased all is well with the iPad and photos.
I was confused about your proceedure concerning the factory reset and then the restore.
I don't know why you would risk a restore after a factory reset?
Once you have a factory restore and thus a perfectly operating iPad, I would slowly build on that, and at a certain point make a new backup using iTunes.
It seems to me that if you use an old backup then you are using something that could be faulty.
Surely that will negate the factory install?
That is my view and proceedure, perhaps others will know if I am wrong.

Thanks for the offer of a tour of Porto!
It is a tempting offer, however I am very unlikely to be leaving Australia again. Right now I am 78 and not fussed about travel too much.
I will however do a virtual tour with you in mind.

Ah and patience is the only way to wrestle with PCs of any kind.

BTW syncing is something I avoid! Mainly because the rules are confusing, and variable!

Beat wishes Peter.
Hi Peter

Thanks again for your quick reply.

I decided to use my supposed to be a good backup, because it was unchanged since I first made it after my update of IOS 9.2, all the other tries were kept on other registered files, with the same first numbering registered and other numbers referring to the date and time of the new trials, in that respect the SW is correct…, if something fails in does not corrupt what previously was well finished… I could also see they were much shorter than that one and I could also check the time registered for that file was according to the trials I made. It also could save me a lot of work, avoiding to redo all the things I had on that machine including that iPad own pictures, except the outside pictures I knew I had to recharge again. I could also do another factory reset if something really wrong would occur, which as I explained almost happened…, but in the end the procedure I explained worked well and the machine is working perfectly well, much quicker than before to our surprise, because previous updates had made it much slower and I was already able to test it, including some recent new pictures of the New Year and they came in without any problem, with the machine starting with a backup as it always is doing, every time I connect it to iTunes, I have it on automatic for that feature.

I am sorry you will not be able to come to Porto, You will be able to see on the internet some nice presentations of the city and if you send me your email I will be more than happy to refer you some nice spots.

Kind regards

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Hi Joao.
I now understand your proceedure better.
I see that you had a lot of confidence that your backup was in good shape.
Keep enjoying all the photos!
Best wishes Peter.
PS I shall look up the results for the Porto Football Team, and keep an interest in their progress!

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