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photo date and time stamps in ipad pro


iPF Noob
I have a 2021 ipad pro, Can I put a date time stamp on my photos.
I know there is info in a drop down menu,but I would like the date/time on the actual photo.
You can edit the photo in the Photos app, choose the pen tool and scribble anything you like on the photo. If you want to be a bit neater you can use an app like Annotable to place text on top of the photo.

It should also be possible to create a shortcut in the Shortcuts app to put a date and or time stamp on the photo. I'm not completely sure how to do that. It probably involves the Mask Image action and a few other tricks. Or you could just create an image with text and combine it to the bottom of the original.
Or go to the App Store and search for Date Stamp Photos. There appear to ge several options. I probably should have thought of that first.

No recommendations. I haven't researched or used any of the apps shown.

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