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iPF Noob
Jul 10, 2011
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Can photos be deleted in camera roll without deleting same photos in other albums?
Hello, quoted below is a post that I left in a recent thread - hope the explanations help - :thumbs:

Well, some clarification is needed: 1) Images in the 'Camera Roll' can be easily deleted; press the box w/ the outgoing arrow (right upper corner); select the image(s) to be removed; press the 'Delete' option in the left upper corner; 2) Images (really just links) placed w/i 'Albums' made in the Photo App can also be deleted - keep in mind that these are only links and if images are deleted in the 'Camera Roll' any links will also be removed; and 3) Albums/Folders synced from a computer via iTunes cannot be deleted from the iPad - these can be removed by unchecking their sync option from the computer.

Hope this helps - :)
HI SC1108-

I am going to move this post to the iPad Help section where you may get better attention.

Thank you - I wasn't aware they were just links.
skimonkey said:
HI SC1108-

I am going to move this post to the iPad Help section where you may get better attention.


How do I insert date when taking photos?

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